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I wanted to set my thoughts down on paper, and let you know how
genuinely impressed I was with the behavior and positive example
of the students. They were true "Ambassadors for Christ." Not
only was their music very beautiful, but so was the way in which
they represented God's College.
Many of the brethren made
comments to this effect. One who was host to two of our women
students remarked to me that "you really couldn't hope to meet
any finer young ladies than these two."
As I observed the warmth and camaraderie so evident among the
group, I could not help but be reminded of Jesus' words: "By this
shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one
to another."
What has occurred to Ambassador College since 1978 does not cease
to impress me. It is not just that the teaching and the adminis­
tration are "back on track." Certainly this is true, and it is a
very important factor; however, I also see Jesus Christ Himself
more directly involved in the lives of most of our students at
this time. I mention this because I believe the students in
gen�ral now set a far better example in personal conduct than
prior to 1978.
The Ambassador Chorale is to be commended for its musical per­
formances and personal behavior. They did an outstanding job in
representing Mr. Armstrong and God's College.
We gratefully receive many good reports on our students' conduct from both
the local community and from many who continually visit the campus.
know, however, that we will always have a few students who will not get the
picture, who will not heed the instructions they are given, who will con­
sequently get into trouble and will have to be dropped from Ambassador
But let all prospective students, parents and all members be
assured that we fully intend to uphold the high moral standards (as set by
the Chancellor) of God's College, and any who don't want to maintain those
standards can drop out or not come in the first place. There are hundreds
of acceptable prospective students ready to take their place.
Recently, someone(s) broke into the faculty lounge adjacent to the Execu­
tive Dining Room in the Student Center and stole a candelabra. Also, just
before the Passover, someone broke a window out of my home, but didn't take
anything. (Apparently, when our alarm system was activated, the burglar
left without taking anything. Our College security men were at my home
within about five minutes, and were able to get the license number of the
man's car. He was later arrested, and this past Monday I had to attend a
pretrial hearing where this handcuffed burglar was arraigned before the
judge.) It seems that Satan nearly always especially tries to strike at
God's people around the Passover season. But God is our Protector, and we
can thank Him that we have His protection in an increasingly crime-ridden
and violent world.
We here at Pasadena continue to remember you ministers and your families in
our prayers, and ask that you continue to remember those of us here at
Headquarters who are privileged, along with you, to help hold up the hands
of God's Apostle--as all of us come down the homestretch toward completing
God's end-time Work!
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor