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This week we are announcing the names of next year's student body officers:
Student Body President--Gary Richards (married); Student Body Vice-presi­
dent--Jim Marion; and Senior Class President will be Tim Grauel, who will
soon return from one year of service as a ministerial trainee in Australia.
We have also named most of the 1982-83 Resident Assistants (formerly called
Room Monitors), and have chosen Ambassador and Women's Club presidents. In
addition, we have announced many other positions of service for the coming
summer and for the 1982-83 college year.
Just last night, Mr. Armstrong approved our resuming the operation of the
campus radio station, KBAC. It will air Mr. Armstrong's radio programs on a
daily basis and will also feature news broadcasts, play good, quality
music, etc.
It will be run primarily by students, but will be closely
supervised by Mr. Richard Ames to make sure that the content of the programs
maintains the high standards of this institution.
Last night Mr. Herbert
Armstrong hosted the first in a series of three
dinners for members of the Advisory Council of Elders and their wives. The
evening began at 6:00 p.m. with the Jacksons, Hoehs, Merediths and my wife
and myself in attendance. The food and drinks were superb, the conver­
sation (which included some reminiscing) was interesting, and the whole
evening was most enjoyable.
At about· 11:30 p.m. we all departed the
Chancellor's residence, having had a profitable and refreshing evening.
(This college year, Mr. Armstrong has hosted all of the senior students,
plus the wives of the married senior students.)
We had a very good college year and look forward to its successful comple­
tion with graduation ceremonies scheduled for Wednesday, May 19th. We had
to move the graduation date up two days to enable Mr. Armstrong to attend
before departing for an important trip to Britain.
I might mention, however, that during the year, as always, we have had some
problems with a few students. From time to time we have to drop a student
or two for their refusal to believe us when we tell them that Ambassador
College demands high standards and · that we fully intend to uphold those
high standards without compromise! (Even if one of my three sons seriously
violated College rules, he would be treated as any other student!) Just
yesterday we had to drop two students who, despite clear-cut instruction in
this area, recently set a bad example with regard to drinking.
I know that you ministers are not hearing reports (as in the past) of stu­
dents using drugs, committing immorality or becoming drunk on the Ambas­
sador campus. Nearly all of the problems we have had with students during
this year have resulted from a very few students who felt
they did not have to obey College rules when off campus. We have, of
course, made it clear that all A.C. students should continue to set a good
example both on and off campus, and also during the summer breaks between
college years.
I thought you would enjoy reading the following remarks made by Mr. Ralph D.
Levy, faculty member, who recently accompanied the Ambassador College
Chorale on its annual trip:
During the break, I had the opportunity to accompany the chorale
on their trip to three Northern California Church areas.