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Our latest U.S. subscription circulation figures indicate that since its
founding in 1934, The PLAIN TRUTH has been subscribed to by 10% of all the
households in the country.
We estimate that nearly 8.5 million people are now or have at one time been
subscribers to The PLAIN TRUTH in the United States. Compare this with the
over 85 million households in the nation and you can realize what an impact
The PLAIN TRUTH magazine has had!
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
God's Church Readying Itself for Christ's Return
Letter comments from around the nation are showing that many members are
indeed preparing themselves for the soon-coming return of Jesus Christ.
Brethren have been encouraged and inspired to see the Church undergo a
spiritual rejuvenation under Mr. Armstrong's direct leadership and
guidance. In their congregations, as well as in their own lives, they see a
change from past spiritual decline to positive growth since he has actively
taken the helm.
The growth and expansion of the Work and Mr. Armstrong's visits to foreign
heads of state and dignitaries have sparked increased excitement and
Mr. Armstrong's recent exhortations, as well as erupting world problems
fulfilling prophecy, have also prompted a sharper awareness that time is
short. This has led to greater self-examination, resulting in more prayer,
Bible study and fasting. Many are regaining their first love and maturing
The prophecy of Revelation 19: 7,
11 • • •
and his wife [ the
Church] hath made herself ready," is truly being fulfilled.
Here are some excerpts from the many letters received:
Praise God and thank you! We are responding to your exhortations
and God is blessing us. My first love is coming back--I crave
coming home to study; I'm finally beginning to fast regularly
again; I'm striving to pray three times daily as David and Daniel
did••..Desiring God's Kingdom and His righteousness more has
inspired me to increase my offering by 33% and I plan to keep it
up because I want the Work to grow at the rate of 30% again.•..God
is blessing us through your efforts!
R.C. (Pasadena, CA)
Everything seems to be pointed towards a faster pace. World
events are setting the stage for the fulfillment of prophecy,
while the sermons and articles are urging preparedness. I feel
like we are on the march!
J.M. (Burnsville, MN)
I feel that the past year and a half has been especially valuable
to me and that something is going on within me. I can sense I am