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searched for the true Church for seven years.
over. I am thankful to God for you and pray
I know my search is
for you each day.
Mrs. J.W. (Rome, GA)
Before coming into God's Church, I requested and received the
Correspondence Course. It served the purpose of awakening me to
what I did not know about the Bible. It was a light to point the
way to God's true Church and Work. I am now in God's Church,
through His calling, and I need the Bible Correspondence Course
more than on my initial request. I need it for mature Christian
study. Please send it to me as soon as possible.
Mrs. V.M. (New York, NY)
Mr. Dexter Faulkner mentioned in a recent WORLDWIDE NEWS article
that you (Mr. Armstrong) had encouraged the brethren in some of
the Church areas you visited, to begin the Bible Correspondence
Course all over.
Well, that's just what we' re doing in our
home••••we have already completed Lesson One. It's so enjoyable
to study together with my husband. I didn't realize that the
exc.i.ting joy that was there when I first began to study would
reoccur as we began to go through the course again--but it has
and I love it.
Mrs. C.E. (Ellisville, MS)
--Richard Rice,
Processing Center
As we go to press the British fleet-­
ominously called an "armada" even by the British press--is nearing the
Argentine-besieged Falkland Islands.
We will not have long to learn
whether Prime Minister Thatcher will be proven correct in her assertion to
Parliament on April 14:
"We shall persevere unti1 freedom and democracy
are restored to the Falkland Islands."
More complete detailing of the Falkland Islands erisis is due in an up­
coming PLAIN TRUTH article. In the meantime, here are some media observa­
tions and ·reactions.
First of all, Geoffrey Godsell of the CHRISTIAN
SCIENCE MONITOR, in its April 7 issue, put the dispute in its true histori­
cal context, rather than just a rehash of conflicting claims and counter­
claims to the islands themselves:
On both sides, deep, usually hidden, elemental feelings are
engaged that go back 400 years--even though Argentina was born
only 150 years ago••••The Falklands dispute has revived the
centuries-old clash between English-speaking and Spanish-speak­
ing cultures. That was decided geopolitically in favor of the
former by England's defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588.
But the residue of animosity from that original collision has not
been completely purged••••Most Britons are at least dimly aware
that their ancestors' defeat of the Spanish Armada kept the door
open for the liberating consequences of the Protestant
Reformation, for the glories of the reign of Elizabeth I, for
Shakespeare and the King James translation of the Bible.
opened the door for the colonization of English-speaking North
America and its subsequent history.