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cast about Easter. This was a 19% increase over last weekend and sets
another new record for the number of calls received.
Comments About the Bible Correspondence Course
The Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course continues to inspire new
students as well as those studying it again. Many students of the course
express their excitement and enthusiasm about the lessons as shown by the
following comments:
I aL currently enrolled in your Bible Correspondence Course and
find it very interesting and exciting. I am so grateful for the
knowledge and enlightenment of the entire Bible. Never before
was Biblical knowledge so interesting and easy to understand.
Thank you for focusing on areas which affect all mankind--our
true relationship with God through Jesus Christ as well as the
blessings for obedience and the punishments for disobedience.
May God continue to bless your work. I am now ready for the next
lesson and must say that each new lesson is a real eye-opener and
L.R. (Atlanta, GA)
It has been a long time since I have written you. My last letter
included a request for your Ambassador College Bible Correspon­
dence Course. Since that time I have learned so much I never knew
was in the Bible.
I thought that I was a Christian until I studied your course and
found out that what I had been taught was false and contrary to
the Bible. Thank you for your course. It has opened my eyes to
the Truth of God.
L.K. (Culpeper, VA)
About ten minutes ago I read the final paragraph of Lesson 13 of
your inspiring Bible course. For ten minutes I sat dumbfounded
as God's stunning master plan crossed back and forth through my
mind. Every piece of scripture I could think of came into its
perfect place.
I don't know what to say or how--if only my
feelings could speak.
D.E. (New Orleans, LA)
Thank you very much for the wonderful Bible lessons. They are
the best lessons I have ever studied with, and the only ones I
study with now. It is so wonderful to know the Truth! Truly, as
Jesus said, it does set you free•••• Since God has opened my mind
through The PLAIN TRUTH, your Bible course, and the World
Tomerrow broadcast, the Bible has become a whole new world of
My sister and I have been led to God's true
Church and now attend services.
C.H. (Butte, MT)
I just wanted to thank you for the knowledge you have taught me
through the Bible Correspondence Course.
There is no other
course like it because it is all truth straight from the Bible. I