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In many ways this second program surpassed the first.
classes hit home to us personally and gave us a boost.
Especially fulfilling was the chance to meet so many men from the
international areas. One of the most inspiring lectures was Rod
Matthew's presentation on the international area of God's Work.
Learning about our brethren in other countries helps us to
realize that we truly are a Worldwide Church of God. Many thanks
again and we look forward to seeing you on Refreshing III.
Darris and Debbie McNeely
What Neighbors and Visitors Say About God's College
The facilities of God's College and Work, the personnel and the students
are bringing warm comments from many who live around A.C., as well as from
out-of-town visitors to the campus. Here is a sampling of recent comments:
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
During a recent trip, one of the highlights was our visit to
A�bassador College. The minute we stepped on the campus we felt
that here was something different•.••Friendly smiling faces
greeted us everywhere! The beauty and cleanliness of the grounds
and buildings are just beyond description. We were particularly
impressed with the attitude of the students and the staff. They
all went out of their way to show us around, in spite of the fact
we came on a really hectic day. What a tremendous thrill it was!
R. & D.B. (De Land, FL)
The students are some of the best students I've seen--in personal
habits, cleanliness and friendliness ••••Ambassador College pulls
up the neighborhood.
R.D. (Pasadena, CA)
One of the female students took us through Mayfair and Terrace
Villa. We were impressed by these dormitories. It seemed like
those girls were one big happy family ••• everywhere we went people
helping and encouraging each other. This was fantastic!!
E.P. (Dayton, TN)
Dear Mr. LaRavia:
For all the years Ambassador College has been in Pasadena I have
been your neighbor. You are a good neighbor. My compliments go
to you for adding stability and leadership to your campus. I
hope to see your school and to meet you, espeeially.
Phone Response Sets New Weekend Record
F.S. (Pasadena, CA)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
We are happy to report that 10,283 people called in during the weekend of
April 10-11 in response to the second part of Mr. Armstrong's tele-