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were led by God to conduct these programs of which we are very
thankful to have been participants.
This second program was a very helpful, vital, and necessary
addition to the first one.
We would consider it an important
second chapter in our training.
While the first Ministerial
Refreshing Program laid the basic foundation; this second one
(aside from making necessary additions to it) began to build on
that structure to give more form, detail, direction, understand­
ing and emphasis on how we should do our part better in helping
build the Body of Christ--the Church. This helps us fulfill the
job for which we have been called and drafted into, and to help
you fulfill the Church's Commission in this end time.
We appreciate your having taken the time to talk to us in the
Even as many have commented, it was very profitable.
And as always, those wh0 taught and had part in this program
showed zeal, dedication, and the attitude of love and service.
We thank all of them through you for such a splendid, 1iving
example. Also, we are very happy to have been part of a totally
new. group (to us) of ministers and wives this time, and again we
see the same oneness of spirit and purpose and unity among all.
This Church is indeed doing the right programs in preparing
itself and doing the Work in this end time. This short letter
cannot describe all the things we have learned, experienced, and
are thankful for; but we just want to express these things to
you--even if it is just the "tip of the iceberg" of our impres­
sions, experiences, and thankfulness.
Edmond and Lorna Macaraeg
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Pat and I are grateful to God for the opportunity to serve in His
Work. The third session of second refresher gave us two times to
hear from you--once in a class and once in a service. Thank you
for presenting this period of teaching and hospitality. It was
enjoyable and profitable •.
Your encouragement and correction was a very special treat. God
help all of us to see and admit the wrong things that we do, as
well as help us change to living by the principles He has
revealed via the prophets and apostles.
Thanks again for giving us this time of refreshing.
Soon the
refreshing government of the Kingdom of God will be on earth for
Ronald and Pat Reedy
Mr. Joe Tkach:
Although it has been a few weeks since attending the refreshing
program, I don't think it is too late to write and express our
thanks for the tremendous lift it was to Debbie and me. As the ad
says, "Thanks, we needed that!"