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First let me say that I have often wondered why God called and
used a man such as myself in committinq to him Christ's GREAT COMMISSION
when I have known scores -- perhaps hundreds of men of greater ability,
perhaps far better minds, superior personality, appearance and other
qualifications than I. Of course I had been driven by ambition -- had
diligently studied and applied myself and been successful in business
-- but at conversion I realized I was no better than a worthless "hunk
of junk," unfit even to be cast on the junk pile. But I did BELIEVE
GOD -- that is, I believed what He says in His Word -- and I have never
compromised with His precious TRUTH and will not water it down. Perhaps
that is a reason, although even that was given to me by God, and not
to my credit. The fact remains, regardless of my unworthiness, God
chose none of these others who were far my superiors -- He did choose
me, and He has used me, and has borne rich fruit through me -- which
has been HIS doing.
But I do mean to BELIEVE GOD, and not to use human reason to water
down His TRUTH. And it is, after all, through God's using me that you,
directly or indirectly, have been brought into this TRUTH, and the high
calling of His ministry.·
Now to try to clear the air at least partially, prior to your
receiving the two installments yet to be published in The GOOD NEWS.
This minister's letter states: "From your articles on.healing,
every member that I talked with got the impression that we were not to
use doctors -- that the medical profession was condemned, of Satan.
That doctors, medicine and drugs were condemned of God."
If I wrote that and you can show it to me, I will correct it.
I'm quite sure that I wrote what THE WORD OF GOD SAYS, and if that is
wrong in human eyes for human reasoning, I'm sorry -- but I shall keep
on teaching what God SAYS and believing Him!
I did not say our members must never use doctors. The medical
profession, in my mind, is not condemned. In the two remaining
installments in The GOOD NEWS, this I hope will be made clear. For
it will become the official Worldwide Church of God teaching on the
I have sensed a tendency by some members who have come into the
Church since it became a Worldwide Church, and since it has grown
into a well-organized worldwide organism, to appear to look upon God's
Church as just another of this world's organized activities.
But we are God's "called-OUT ones" -- called out of the world, to
be separate -- to be DIFFERENT -- God's own spiritual organism (although
organized according to God's pattern) -- a "peculiar people," not of
this world.
Some have forgotten how the present era of God's Church was started,
and how it developed. God had put me through a most unusual experience�
I had been forced to see and believe what I did not want to believe.
God had swept
mind clean of all previous concepts, assumptions and
beliefs. He had proved to me His own existence. He had proved to me
the INFALLIBLE AUTHORITY of the Bible as His inspired Word. I had