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craved UNDERSTANDING, and after God took me to a beating, being
CONQUERED by Hirn, He revealed a good UNDERSTANDING of His revealed
This era of God's Church was raised up by a six-week's, six­
nights-a-week series of meetings in a country school house eight
miles west of Eugene, Oregon. It started, like a grain of mustard
seed, with nineteen members.
Those nineteen believed what the living Christ taught them through
me. As God added to His Church continually, all members came into
the TEACHINGS Christ had given through me, His chosen apostle. As
each new member has since come into the Church, there was no understand­
ing or agreement that he was to have a part in changing the truth that
Christ had given the Church through His apostle. Until some two or
more years ago, all teachings in this Church had been given by Christ
through HIS chosen apostle.
Then, a few years back, somehow a "doctrinal committee" had gotten
into the Church, composed of the more "scholarly" at Headquarters.
Before we realized it, more study was being devoted to finding out
whether the doctrines received through Christ's apostle were
after all,
correct. On two different questions -- counting Pentecost and "D & R"
-- I did perceive a correction should be made -- and I made each, on
PROOF which GOD REVEALED. And not from the "scholarly arguments."
In the case of Pentecost I had researched that thoroughly and
in-depth some 45 or more vears aqo. It was a simple matter of counting
50 days. Every translation then extant, translated the Hebrew to
instruct us to count 50 days from a Sunday. Forty-five years ago a
woman raised a controversy in the Church (then in Oregon} insisting
on a Sunday Pentecost. But for the wrong reasons! As long as every
Hebrew scholar of every translation said count from Sunday, I did not
attempt to use what knowledge of Hebrew I possessed to translate the
term differently than the many Hebrew scholars had done. I remained
firm on a Monday Pentecost -- and I would have, in spite of all arguments
(all of which had been in error} had not I finally found PROOF through
two of the official translators of the RSV, and through a Jewish woman
in Israel who is a teacher of Hebrew, and also well versed in English.
The Hebrew word properly, I finally had proved, should be translated
not "from" but "on" or "beginning on" a Sunday. From them I received
an explanation o�why all preceding translators had used the word
"from." On evidence, I made the change immediately.
My mind, fellows, IS open -- on proof! But I will not compromise
or "water down."
In the D & R question, I stood firm against some of the "scholars"
on the doctrinal committee
as did some others of the committee, as
long as their reasons were in error and consequently their conclusions
were in error!
How, then, did the change come to be made official by me? I
think many of you have never heard the details of the real reason.
My son had come to me asking, "If two totally illiterate aborigines,
who never heard of God or Christianity marry, is such marriage bound