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However, I want to straighten out two points that were not understood
or perhaps I did not make them plain:
1) In ordinary cases of a member having or feeling any criticism
against his pastor, he should, first, obey Matthew 18:15 and take it
to his local pastor in private.
In this regard I am reminded of a
case history in my ministry.
A member whom I had made a deacon insisted
on being ordained an elder.
When I did not comply, he became offended.
I went to him about it, my wife accompanying me.
Later he accused me
of not obeying Matthew 18:15.
When, in astonishment, I reminded him
of how I had come to him privately, he got technical and said, "Yes,
but Jesus�id go to him alone, and you did not come alone -- your
wife was with you."
Anyway, I explained that he was alone and there­
fore I had gone to him alone -- and not to others -- but one whose
feelings are hurt will not admit it if he is wrong.
Now 2) if anyone brings to me any accusation about a minister -­
or if anyone brings a complaint against anyone higher than he in
authority, I have always, through the years, adhered to one policy.
uphold the accused in the higher position, and the burden of proof
is upon the complainant.
The minister, or the accused in the higher
office is always innocent in my eyes until proved otherwise.
But as all are free to go to God the Father direct, so on the
human level I want our people to understand no one is shut off from
me by someone under me who might (as was done) forbid him to contact
That is all! meant and this will be published also in The GOOD
* * * * * *
by Herbert W. Armstrong
There has been some confusion on the subject of healing due to
STP teaching, with a tendency to place DOUBT regarding GOD'S WORD and
His PROMISES -- as well as MISUNDERSTANDING what I have taught and
First let me say that, as I write these lines September 10, you
have not yet read Part 5 of my series of articles on healing in The
GOOD NEWS, and there will follow Part 6 after that.
And God says
through Solomon, "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it,
it is folly to him" (Proverbs 18:13).
This series of articles in The GOOD NEWS will be published as a
booklet -- the official teaching of The Worldwide Church of God.
Let me here comment more briefly on a letter from one of our
field ministers whom I know wants to follow and teach God's TRUTH as
revealed in the Bible -- but has not understood clearly what I have
taught -- or, more properly appears to have a misunderstanding about
what I have taught, or intended to teach.
What he has written may be
typical of what some others have misunderstood.