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I had an appointment at the Veterans' Administration Hospital. I
sat down, and on the table was a magazine, The PLAIN TRUTH. I
picked it up and started to read it. It was so good, I brought it
C.A. (Buffalo, NY)
I picked up your magazine The PLAIN TRUTH from a rack in front of
a post office here in Irving, Texas in December of 1981.
enjoyed it very much and sent for a free subscription.
R.L. (Irving, TX)
I was fortunate enough to find not only one of your issues, but
four issues at a local newsstand. I've enjoyed reading them all
so much.
� ��
B.C. (Greenville, SC)
I wasn't doing very well in my life--going nowhere. I saw The
PLAIN TRUTH in a newsstand outside a grocery store (Willowtree
Bestway, Cookeville, TN). Out of curiosity I took one and read
it. I found it very interesting and, I believe, true. You have
certainly helped me and pointed my life in the right direction.
D.G. (Cookville, TN)
I pick up a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH every time I see one at the
grocery store and don't stop reading it until I've read it
Mrs. A.P. (Lynch, KY)
I'm so glad I picked up the first PLAIN TRUTH magazine in Spring­
field, Missouri at a bus station as I was traveling to my
granddaughter's. She picked up one, too. I'll send you a check
for $10 to help pay postage, if nothing else. Thanks again.
M.S. (Portland, IN)
I recently picked up your sample copies of The PLAIN TRUTH at a
local department store. I had no idea what kind of magazine this
was at the time. I have found this magazine to be very en­
couraging, helpful and truthful.
D.A. (South Shore, KY)
Comments From Members Assisting in Newsstand Program
The newsstand program is going like wildfire here••.•
Mrs. M.B. (Kalamazoo, MI)
We have a PLAIN TRUTH stand here on the west side of Great Falls
that has been emptying quickly. It's exciting!
B.S. (Great Falls, MT)
We very much appreciate the various PLAIN TRUTH programs as a
means of getting the Gospel message out to what would otherwise
be virtually unreached "cities of Israel."
Brethren of the Harrisburg, PA Church
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services