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Ministers to Receive Sabbath Book
All ordained ministers worldwide will soon be rece1v1ng a copy of Mr.
Armstrong's book entitled WHICH DAY IS THE CHRISTIAN SABBATH? This publi­
cation was recently reprinted in a perfect bound, soft-cover format in con­
trast to the former saddle-stitched booklet.
There were no editorial
"I Was Sick and You Visited Me... "
The Work's literature and programs encourage and give hope to many shut-ins
at home, in hospitals or retirement homes. Some of
den, disabled or in pain. Others may have lost loved ones and feel lonely
or depressed. Below are their comments of heartfelt appreciation.
I just want to tell you how grateful I am for the books, magazines
and literature you have been sending me. It is hard to believe
that all of this is free. It couldn't have come at a better time.
I h�ve been disabled for two years and as yet have not received
any income or Social Security•••• Again, I must say, you could
never know what this means to me.
N.P. (Laurel, MS)
I have been getting The PLAIN TRUTH for so many years--at my 84
years of age I can't remember exactly how long it has been. I
have been a widow since 1953, have no family and can hardly walk
any more. My eyes are nearly gone too. But I sure would miss my
PLAIN TRUTH magazine if it didn't come. When I read it I try
passing the news along to the shut-ins I write to.
K.D. (Chicago, IL)
I've been listening to your sermons for years and think they are
wonderful. They mean so much to me. My husband passed away
eleven years ago. I'm alone most of the time--my daughter stays
with me but she is gone a lot. I turned 100 years old about five
months ago. I am very weak but still get around.
A.S. (Groltoes, VA)
I wish to express my thanks for the most interesting and instruc­
tive magazine I have ever received--The PLAIN TRUTH. At last I
am really beginning to understand the Bible ••..I'm now in my BO's
and as a result of reading your magazine and letters, my mind can
grasp the deeper meanings--or at least some of them.
The help that I have received from your teachings has enabled me,
in turn, to help fellow residents
at the retirement
I have recently been moved.
Many of these elderly women are
lonely, bitter, fearful or resentful and I find that if nothing
else, I can talk with them, encourage them to express their feel­
ings and perhaps even help them to feel less lonely and
M.O. (Tigard, OR)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center