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U.S. PT Circulation Breaks All Records
PLAIN TRUTH circulation in the U.S. now exceeds three million copies, set­
ting a new all-time record for the Worldwide Church of God.
The incredible growth in God's Work in the last 12 months has exceeded any­
thing we have witnessed in more than a decade. God is surely blessing this
Work as never before.
The avenues open for obtaining additional sub­
scribers to the PT are surpassing all of the original 1982 budget fore­
Mr. Armstrong's recent telecasts are bringing five times more responses
than a year ago today. Newsstand responses are more than double a year ago.
Every program has virtually doubled in response during the past 12 months.
This growth has been exemplified by the subscriber renewal rates increasing
steadily throughout the year, meaning that more of the PT readership is
staying on for the long term.
Letters From PT Newsstand Readers
We are including some recent letters from PT newsstand readers for your
interest, as well as a few comments from members assisting in the newsstand
This program is becoming more and more successful with each
month. The work that is being done in the local church areas is really
bearing fruit for God's Work!
Recently I picked up a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH in my dentist's
waiting room and began leafing through it. I was so inspired by
the articles within that I just had to write and praise you, and
also ask you to put my name on your subscription list.
M.O. {Newark, DE)
In bus stations {two or three) I found three issues of The PLAIN
TRUTH, and was pleased to have such informative and enlightening
reading while on the bus. Never before had I seen the magazine.
It contains my favorite type of reading! Please put my name on
your mailing list. A contribution is enclosed. Thank you!!!
Mrs. E.H. {Clay Center, KS)
I first learned of your magazine nearly four years ago while
waiting to board a flight for West Germany in the JFK Inter­
national Airport in compliance with military orders--I am a
career member of the U.S. Army. It was in the waiting area that I
picked up a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH. Although I did not realize
it then, it was to have an enormous impact on my life. Throughout
the subsequent hours of the flight I read and reread the
M.K. {Fort Wayne, IN)
My husband and I began reading The PLAIN TRUTH in June of 1981.
We picked up the condensed version from a display in one of our
favorite department stores.
D.D. {Chehalis, WA)