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Island Churches. They are very encouraged and excited and are
looking forward to the sermons I will be giving on those subjects
covered during the two-week session.
The people are also very happy to hear of your travels and how
well things are going. The TV programs on your trip to Egypt were
fantastic! The brethren were very excited over the powerful way
you gave the message at the Hilton Hotel. We are all behind you
100%, and you have our continued prayers.
Frank and Charlene Mccrady
Dear M.r. Tkach:
Thank you for the very positive thrust of these "refreshing"
programs. "Improving the Performance of the Ministry," the theme
of the second program, was just what was needed.
The good "horse-sense" that was given will help all of us avoid
ministerial "night-mares"!
William R. Pack
Mr. Tkach and Staff:
We have profited greatly while here for the refresher. Thanks
for all the work and effort of everyone who made
We are very grateful to God, Mr. Armstrong, the ministers, staff,
and those in the service and dining areas for our pleasant stay
at H.Q.
We are looking forward to getting home to use the
strength gained while here to serve God's people in Houston.
Burk and Susie McNair
Dear Mr. Tkach:
What a pleasure it is to come to Pasadena and attend these
refreshing sessions!
Our thanks to the entire staff for the hard work and dedication
that made this second program even more helpful and positive.
Mr. Armstrong's address, the tours and all the classes fit to­
gether to give us the balance and wisdom to serve God's people.
It was exciting to be together with the men and wives from all
over the world. Their graphic reports made it very evident that
God is moving His Work forward in every area of the world.
Thanks for your part in this fine program.
Jim and Barbara Chapman
Dear Joe:
Though last year's program was great--this one is greater.
Whereas many smiled with their mouths last year--all were smiling
with both mouth AND eyes this year. That is refresnlng!! Some of