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at Sabbath services, he was interviewed twice by Radio Caraibes--on the 6th
and 10th of February in Guadeloupe and Martinique, respectively.
Apartian reports that the Churches there are stable and solidly behind
In Martinique at the Bible lecture given by Mr. Apartian,
there were 255 new people in attendance, and in Guadeloupe there were 109.
�r. Bernard Andrist, manager of the Geneva, Switzerland office, is current­
ly touring French-speaking areas of West and East Africa. He is visiting
members and prospectives in Douala, Camaroon; Kinshasa, Zaire; Bujumbura,
Burundi; and Kigali, Rwanda. He will return to Geneva on March 12th.
There were 97 new people present at a public Bible study held in Paris
during the month of January; 66 new people were present on February 1st and
43 more recently attended the fifth Bible study given in 1982 by Mr. Sam
Kneller, pastor of the Paris Church.
Mr. Armstrong's television program on Tele-Luxembourg continues to bring
good results. It now averages between 60-70 letters per telecast.
Our special TV program, "L'Antenne Est a Vous," shown over a Geneva Sta­
tion, haq brought 220 responses to date. There were 84 telephone calls, 127
letters and nine visits to our Geneva Office!
The Netherlands Regional Director Bram de Bree reports that Church member­
ship 1n January was up 11% over January, 1981. The number of CC students
was also up 64% over one year ago.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong:
Just a few words of appreciation for the new refreshing program.
We want to be on record as fully supporting it. We enjoyed Pro­
gram #2 even more than #1.
An invaluable experience.
Spirit was clearly in evidence during our stay in Pasadena.
appears the vast majority have proven this is God's Work and want
to be yielded instruments in His hands.
Your trips and new TV programs are exciting and indicate God is
stepping up the pace. Lead on.
Nelson and Linnea Haas
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you Mr. Armstrong for the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
Your foresight in planning and implementing this instruction for
the ministry has to have a positive impact on the strength and
oneness of the ministry.
We have just returned from the first session of the
refreshing program. It was a very rewarding experience.
also encouraging and an inspiration to see, once again, the
dedication and yieldedness of the headquarters ministry.
It is
The instruction that we received was very informative. I gave an
overview of the refreshing program to the Manhattan and Long