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Last, but not least, we would like to express thanks also to
those people on the most unique and beautiful campus on the globe
who served us from behind desks, machines, counters, pots and
pans. They contributed greatly to this most enjoyable refresher.
Finally, Mr. Armstrong, we wish you God's blessings, inspiration
and good health in the weeks and months ahead.
Bram and Trudy de Bree
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I thank you for the many opportunities enjoyed and
profited from during our visit to Pasadena to attend the Regional
Directors' Conference and the Refreshing Program.
We sincerely appreciated hearing from you personally and having
our minds set on the meaning of the two trees. We thank you for
your instruction.
It was a rare privilege to have dinner with you in your home.
What a delightful experiencel
we pray for you daily.
Roy and Tine McCarthy
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have just returned from the first session of the new
Ministerial Refreshing Program in Pasadena. It has truly been an
inspiration and an exciting two weeks for us.
Your message to us the first day about life and doing God's Work
was a real highlight of our stay in Pasadena. The example God is
causing you to set is outstanding--! just hope to drive myself in
the same manner.
I know that we have but a short time to complete the Work before
Christ's return. These ministerial programs have been tremendous
in getting all of us united and in harmony with Christ and His
What is most gratifying is to see the team of evangelists you
have chosen to assist you, supporting you and God's direction
through you.
I believe it is apparent that God is now using a
team of servants who are not only submissive to His government,
loyal, and dedicated--but are also very competent in their
appointed areas. From the fields of finance, college administra­
tion, teaching, scholarship, management and business to pastoral
affairs, ministers' personal lives and real brotherly love--there
is a common bond of cooperation between them all. Thanks so much
for your part in leading us into God's glorious Kingdom.
Thank you for providing this essential training tool for the
May we loyally support you in leading God's people
through the problem times ahead. Your care and concern for us is