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PLAIN TRUTH magazine could be seen in most
train stations and many shopping malls.
almost 270,000 magazines via the newsstands.
subscribers came from newsstand responses!
international airports, major
We will soon· be distributing
In 1981, one third of our new
New Zealand Update This year got off to a good start with well over 6,000
items of mail corning into the office--an increase of 46.1% over last
January. Income for the month was up by 22.5%.
Over 7,100 responses have come in as a result of Mr. Armstrong's December,
1981 semi-annual letter, already representing a response of 19.5%. Eighty­
four percent of these people requested the new booklet NEVER BEFORE UNDER­
STOOD, 68% requested a YOUTH 82 sample copy, and 58% requested THE UNITED
With 40,000 newsstand copies of The PLAIN TRUTH now being distributed every
month, newsstand responses are becoming an increasingly more important fac­
tor in our incoming mail. 574 cards came in during January, more than
double December's count. In fact, January's total was almost as many cards
as arrived in the whole of 19811
A series of advertisements for The PLAIN TRUTH, which appeared in some
local magazines in October, November and December, 1981, have now brought
in 830 n€w PLAIN TRUTH subscription requests.
Mr. Armstrong's full-page WALL STREET JOURNAL ads will be running in the
NEW ZEALAND HERALD for eight consecutive Mondays during February and March.
This will be an excellent opportunity to get God's message from His Apostle
across as a witness to many New Zealanders, and we're excitedly waiting to
see how the ads will go.
During January our Regional Director, Mr. Peter Nathan, along with Welling­
ton Church Pastor Mr. Lyall Johnston, were in Pasadena for the Ministerial
Refreshing Program.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Greetings from The Netherlands.
Thank you very much for the
opportunity given to my wife and myself to attend the Inter­
national Regional Directors' Conference and the first session of
the continuation of the Ministerial Refreshing Programme.
Thank you again for your continued guidance and leadership
through your direct contact with us and throu� this programme.
It will enable us in the ministry and the Church to understand
more of God's way of life, His standards and values. Your lec­
tures and those of the men functioning under you in Pasadena in­
spire us to be of better service in the Dutch-language area of
God's Work, assisting you in carrying out the Great Commission
and feeding the flock.
We are also thankful for the opportunity to fellowship with the
men and women on the programme from various parts of North
America and the world.