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obvious. We love you and are grateful to God for your continued
leadership. We are behind you 100%.
Joe and Pat Dobson
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Telephone operators manning the Work's media WATS lines (800-423-4444) are
trained and equipped primarily to take literature calls from Mr.
Armstrong's telecast and other advertising in the Work. We would like to
discourage administrative calls on these lines whenever possible except in
infrequent cases such as phoning in Holy Day offering information around
Feast times.
Many ministers call 800-423-4444 and request member file information, such
as a member's address or status. Most of the time we have been able to
accommodate them by passing the call on to Cledice Decker (Member File
Control); however, to do so is awkward for us. We can only transfer the
call if it comes in on one of our first seven lines. Much of the time these
lines are in use and the call will arrive on line eight or above. Then the
operator must request the minister to call back.
It will prove helpful if more use can be made of the ministerial WATS line
An excerpt from the PGR dated May 16, 1980 is published here just as a
Other than asking who you want to talk to or what you want to talk
about, the switchboard (800-423-4464) will not take messages.
Their new procedure will be to ask you to give them your number
and hang up. They will then immediately call you back on an out­
bound line as soon as one is available (usually immediately). At
that point they will ring the desired department. By using this
procedure you can be transferred to any department on campus.
We think you will like this new procedure a lot better. It will
allow you more freedom of access to the departments on campus.
Remember--when you call for a department on campus, use the 800-
423-4464 number.
By using this procedure, we can eliminate confusion and expedite the hand­
ling of both your calls and those people responding to media.
Feel free to use our media lines to request literature, but please expect to
have your call handled like any other routine media call. Direct any spe­
cial requests, such as multiple copies of literature and bulk shipments,
through the 800-423-4464 number. (This number is for ministerial use only.
Please do not give it out.)
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
--Fred Gilreath/Bill Butler,
Communications and Tele­
phone Response Departments