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such needs to the Executive Coordination Team, and in turn to Mr.
Armstrong for resolution
proper and required.
There are several major areas cf the ministry that particularly
concern us at the present time. One large area is the need for much
more specific and definitive understanding of the role of the ministry.
One person said recently that he felt that if 10 people were asked
to define the job of the local pastor you would get 10 different
answers. This is probably so. It might even be that all 10 ideas
put together would be one good definition. But, my point is that
in recent years the concept of what the work of the local church
pastor is has become somewhat confused. This is only one of the
many areas we will be devoting attention to over the coming weeks.
I am very pleased to tell you that basically the Church
stable at the present time. The activities of Ted Armstrong are
having very little effect on the Church. So far as we know, NO
minister has thus far left the Church to join Ted. A small number
of "members" have been attending meetings of the "Church of God
International" in Tyler, Texas, but we have been informed by the
and around Big Sandy that most of these people were of
questionable loyalty to the Church anyway.
Our purpose is not to fight those who oppose us
doing this
Work of God, but rather simply work all the harder in devoting ourĀ­
selves to God's service. That, I hope, is what each of you is striving
in every way to do in your local church pastorates.
One more item I want to cover in this Report concerns the Festival
season now very soon to be upon us.
God has given us an understanding of the meaning of the Holy
Days. The keeping of these annual "stop-signs," these reminders of
God's plan that is being worked out here on earth,
one of the
most important doctrinal understandings we have and is one of the
signs that designates us as "people of God." Understanding the truth
about the Holy Days
vital to our remaining close to God in the
realization of His purpose for mankind.
Be sure that each of you preach moving, effective, powerful and
meaningful sermons in advance of and in preparation for the fast
approaching Festival season. Let's all of us do our part to prepare
God's people for the most uplifting, most encouraging and most
inspiring Feast of Tabernacles we've observed in this age.
We all need to draw closer to God in unity, in teamwork, in
personally identifying with Christ as His "called-out" ones who have
been made a part of this "body of Christ" to do the work of God in
this critical time.
Fellow ministers, this is a good time for all of us to examine
ourselves. If we are not motivated by an attitude of gratitude to
God for revealing to us the "pearls of wisdom and truth," for making
us a part of His Work and allowing us to serve in His ministry, then
we surely cannot be effective in leading, inspiring and motivating
others. Please take time in thought, prayer and study to be sure
you have your priorities organized and your objectives well defined.