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Once again, Christ through me, has put that competition with the
world out of Ambassador College! And our Church basketball teams
should NOT compete with the outside world!
re has .been a TURN-AROUND in God's Church and College! To
those ministers who have joined local activities or clubs, Christ
commands, "Come out from among them and be ye separate"!
* * * * *
Greetings Fellow Ministers:
Greetings again to the entire ministry worldwide. Thanks to
all of you who have taken the time to write the many letters I have
received over the past few months.
Your expressions of support for God's Work and its leader, Mr.
Herbert Armstrong, and your love, your backing and your loyalty are
very much appreciated by Mr. Armstrong, by myself and by all the rest
of us who are involved in directing this Worldwide Work.
It has been my intention to keep up with my correspondence by
personal replies tc all of you who write. This way I had hoped we
could keep communication at this personal level on a two-way street.
I am sorry that keeping up with paperwork is such a continual "war"
that this results in belated replies to many of you. But, we'll do
our best to keep as current as possible.
In order to effectively respond to Mr. Armstrong's leadership
of the Church, we here at headquarters are setting up systems enabling
us to work together in a well coordinated way. In the first meeting
held recently by the Executive Coordination Team for the purpose of
discussing the entire subject of media as utilized by the Work, I was
impressed how totally this Work is� Work. Every facet of it over­
laps, and impinges on every other area. For example, it is impossible
to effectively discuss the programs that disseminate the gospel to the
general public without at some point discussing the ministerial role
in the personal contact (prospective member visits) that is ultimately
generated by the Work's media efforts.
The last Pastor's Report contained an article by Robert Kuhn
outlining the objectives of these coordination meetings. We are
including in this issue of the Report a summary of the first meeting.
We in Pastoral Administration have also begun a more effective
means of coordinating the functions of the Church worldwide. We
intend to have weekly meetings of the key personnel here at Pasadena
representing all facets of the Church in order to discuss collectively
all current activities, needs and problems. This team will provide
me with the "multitude of counsel" that God tells us gives safety.
In no way are we the "policy-making" team. We are responsive
to Mr. Armstrong's leadership and recognize him as the one who
establishes policy and major procedural matters.
Our meetings will isolate particular problems, needs for clearer
definition, recommended changes in procedure, etc. We will the·
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