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Know where you are going and always make your decisions based on
the right reasons.
Once again, let's do our part very sincerely and effectively
to ensure that God's people are thoroughly edified and uplifted by
the coming Holy Days.
God be with all of you. Our prayers are with you.
With Love in Jesus' Name,
Wayne Cole
the first meeting of the Media Coordination Team was held. About 20
men, representing all the major areas of the Work, participated. All
shared a real enthusiasm for both the concept and the initial execu­
tion of such cooperative and creative efforts dedicated to supporting
Mr. Armstrong in doing God's Work. The minutes follow immediately.
--Robert Kuhn
Mr. Wayne Cole began by introducing the objectives and functions of
the Media Team, stressing that our primary purpose was the analysis
and coordination of information for Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's
consideration. Robert Kuhn added that the team would "recommend,"
and·that Mr. Rader•s close association with Mr. Armstrong will make
the Work's efforts successful since we can now be sure that Mr.
Armstrong will always be fully informed about, and in full control
of, all activities.
The involvement of Church Administration, represented by Mr. Wayne
Cole; Art Mokarow and Ted Herlofson, will greatly enhance the Team's
capacity to integrate information across the entire spectrum of the
Work's responsibilities. Now we can track, analyze and discuss
the progress and patterns of people who respond to our message -­
whether on T.V., radio, P.T. newsstands, etc. -- and follow them
through their progressive involvement with our literature and up
through initial Church contact and baptism.
The established general procedure calls for each meeting to open
with brief "updates" on the major areas of the Work -- Church,
Television-Radio, Editorial, Mail/Subscriber Service, Publishing,
Media Analysis, etc. Then, after whatever introductory discussions
are needed, will follow 1 or 2 detailed reports on specific areas
of the Work.
Mr. Rader emphasized the opportunity we all have to work together
as a team in supporting Mr. Armstrong to fulfill the Great Commission;
that the department heads will be working together as a team; that
the Financial area will work together with the various departments
to determine and control budgets and activities; and that we have a