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lethargy, to GROW in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ and be busy with the work He has given us to do.
As a leade� within the Church you are in one of two categories. Either you
are helping the Church to go in this direction or you are delaying us get­
ting there. Either you are part of the solution or you are part of the
problem. The Church is certain to go in the direction the Head of the Body
wants it to go. God's Church will. be one heart and one mind, serving Him
with one consent. No one can stop it. I know 'cause I read the end of the
BOOK! Therefore, it is far better to be part of the solution than to be
part of the problem.
1982 will be another year of trial and testing. That is sure. Christ will
also accomplish very much through the Church He is preparing to be His
Bride! We all need to be individually responsive to His lead so that "the
whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint
supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part,
maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love" (Eph.
4: 16} •
This end-time Philadelphia era of God's Church is being trained to dissemi­
nate God
s way of life, God's spiritual knowledge. That knowledge has been
almost completely withheld from mankind since Adam was expelled from the
Garden. After He has prepared us and used us at the end of this age, He
said He would move us to Jerusalem (Rev. 3:12) where an even bigger job
awaits us!
God has set and explained the goal. Now each of us must press toward it.
--Robert E. Fahey
Pages 11 through 13 contain information and charts which were part of the
report presented to Mr. Armstrong at the Mexico City office November 3rd.
Mr. Leon Walker, director of the Spanish-speaking areas of the Work, gave
the presentation.
The visit to Mexico City, which was covered in the
WORLDWIDE NEWS, completed Mr. Armstrong's tour of all international offices
this year.
Removal of Church Children From Public Schools for Teaching at Home
(The following is from Mr. Ralph K. Helge of the Legal Office)
A legal issue has arisen in some outlying churches that could affect the
Church overall. As a consequence it is necessary to communicate the Church
position on the matter so that we all act with one accord.
Some Church members have totally removed their children from public school
with the intent of teaching them at home.
(Continued on page 14}