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Mr. Armstrong has been diligently doing his part. His writing and preach­
ing have consistently warned us to wake up, to see if we are really led by
God's Spirit or just kidding ourselves. He has become far more deeply in­
volved in every aspect of this worldwide Work to assure that each part is
"on track" and running smoothly. This year, he has traveled to nearly every
congregation and regional office and met with various heads of government
to further God's Work. He has stepped up his television broadcasting and
expanded radio and TV time-buying worldwide. The PLAIN TRUTH circulation
is moving steadily upward. God's blessings have increased.
He is doing his part. Are we all doing ours?
As leaders of others in God's Church we must be certain that our goals are
the same ones Christ has given the Church through His apostle. By our­
selves, we can do absolutely nothing.
For Christ to use us, we must be
totally yielded to Hirn.
If we are turning to any other goals or pet projects, we are going the way
of the self-willed, doing what is right in our own eyes and heading off the
track. All such "effort" will be fruitless.
What are those goals Christ has set?
Firstly, Christ has shown us we must all speak the same thing. That is true
in the ministry, our publications and administrative procedures.
We are
working to "speak with one voice" in the Churches, in the various PLAIN
TRUTH editions, in our ads throughout the world and in our procedures and
Secondly, Mr. Armstrong has directed that far more of our resources go into
preaching the Gospel worldwide. We must vigorously be about our Father's
That means a shift in budget priority from the projects we may hope to do to
the one we MUST DO! Of course, the care and spiritual feeding of those that
respond to Christ's message must be maintained and strengthened.
Thirdly, Mr. Armstrong wants to streamline organizationally.
smoothly and efficiently? Is there a better and simpler way?
man doing the right job?
Do we operate
Is the right
Does each project help back up Mr.
Commission? Does it need to be done?
That is especially true when we are
broadcasting around the globe.
Armstrong in fulfilling the Great
If it does not, we should not do it.
trying to expand our publishing and
If the project should be done, does it pro9erly reflect the high standards
of quality of character and craftsmanship that Christ has inspired Mr.
Armstrong to follow s�nce the beginning? If we do it, we should do it the
best we can. That is God's way.
Christ said the laborer is worthy of his hire. We are hoping to pay good
wages to really productive workers.
Christ also said that the laborers
would be few. He did not comment on the number of employees!
The direction of God's Church in 1982 is a continuation of the turnaround
Christ began in June 1978.
We still need to awake out of spiritual