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God sees. It's scary to see my lack of character which I thought
I had.
"Your daughter in Christ"
Minister's Wife Now Sees Herself
"I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the decision
you made regarding make-up. (I realize God was the One who did
it--through you!) My initial reaction was not very good, I must
admit. I think Satan thought he really was going to get me on
that one. You see, I didn't realize how important it had become
to me. (I have been coming to Church since I was twelve years old
and never wore any make-up until I was twenty-five!)
"It took much prayer, even tears, to get my attitude right.
Afterwards, I realized how close Satan had come to getting me!
My own intense disappointment at your announcement shocked me!
But I'm sure it didn't shock God. He knew what was going on in my
heart, if not in my mind, regarding make-up. I'm sure, if I had
been asked, I would have said all the things you mentioned--'I
can take it or leave it, I don't do it for vanity, I don't see any
harm in it,' etc. God knew I needed to be tested on this--and
soon--before Satan went too far and I would have been unable to
extricate myself from a wrong way of thinking. Now I SEE myself!
And I see that Satan was influencing me. That, of course, makes
it much easier!
"The things I have learned about myself since your decision was
read have been multiple. I am extremely grateful for your help
in learning these necessary spiritual lessons, painful though
they are.
I know that Christ loves His spiritual Body--His
Church--and all the physical things will pass away. So only the
spiritual things are of very great significance to Him.
"You know, this brings to mind an interesting thought! In the
past, when the subject of make-up had been brought up (rumors
that you were looking into it, or were considering changing the
'7 4 decision on it), I would always think, 'We should let the
women's husbands decide. If he likes it on her, allow him to make
the decision, since he is her head.' {I was pretty sure � hus­
band would've approved my wearing it!) And now our Husband-To-Be
has made a decision! He doesn't like it!!
"My husband and I also found it interesting that there seems to
have been a great deal of emphasis on make-up in the world in the
past few years (right during the years it was allowed in the
Church!), especially in connection with women who are pursuing
careers and who desire to project a certain image. Not a few of
our members (those who find themselves in positions where they
must work outside the home) have expressed some concern about how
their bosses would react and how it would affect them at work.
It's a revealing commentary on our lifestyles and how we must, as
Christians, survive in this world but not be part of it.
"Well, I didn't mean to go on so, though I thought you might be
interested in some of the reactions God's women had.
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