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found that
angry, but
most, like me,
repented after
A few were (and
about it.
felt taken aback, disappointed, even
realizing the source of that terrible
are still) feeling very depressed and
"God is surely readying a beautiful Bride for His Son. Thank you
for fearlessly allowing God to use you in that deep cleansing.
"With love, your daughter in Christ"
Now Busy With the Inward Woman
"I want to thank you for getting us 'back on the track' about
make-up. Don't get me wrong, now, I was not pleased at first--!
1iked to wear a little make-up!
Your letter, however, made me
take stock and realize how far we had strayed from 'a little.'
Thank you for reminding me of my reasons for putting make-up on.
"My first reaction was, 'I will obey because I respect God's
authority in His Church, even though I don't understand the
reasoning.' Having decided to obey, I gradually began to see why
you made the decision. I have now begun to busy myself more with
the inward woman. You, through God's Word, have shown us true
"Society has put so much emphasis on youth and the beauty that
youth holds that, if we are not careful, we too can become caught
in the fervor of remaining eternally twenty years old! My father
Sooner or later you can tell what kind of a life a woman
has had by her face.' The women, who don't know better, want to
live life their own way and then paint innocence and beauty on
their face. We in God's Church can receive love, joy, peace and
gentleness that will not only give us beautiful faces--but also
Godly character to take with us into the world tomorrow.
"Thank you Mr. Armstrong for your part in preparing us to be the
Bride of Jesus Christ. I would like to add also that my husband
has been most encouraging and helpful by his loving remarks to
Feels She
s Coming More Out of the World
m quite sure you
ve gotten thousands of responses on the
subject of not wearing any more make-up. Well, here's another
response. I'd like to thank you for speaking out and I thank
Jesus Christ for most definitely inspiring you as to how wrong we
all have been. I
ve worn make-up for 20 years and never thought
I'd go without, but it
s really nice to see what I really look
like! The funny thing is, my husband who is unconverted, hasn't
even noticed I quit wearing make-up. Anyhow, I
m glad you were
inspired·to do away with the make-up. Every day I feel I'm coming
more out of the world."