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One Step Closer in Pleasing God
"Thank you for your love and concern in the recent correction on
make-up. Everything you said about the subtilty of Satan deceiv­
ing us and our vanity and desire in wanting to be a part of this
world is exactly right. After reading your article, it was so
plain to see! We would not have known it by our own understand­
ing, though.
"Because you seek God's righteousness, He has allowed you to show
us that we have been doing something that is sin in His sight.
Now we can be one step closer in pleasing God.
"Please continue to ask God to show us where we need to change in
behavior and for the deeper understanding of spiritual knowledge.
The sooner we learn our lessons, the sooner Christ can return!
"In deep love and respect, A.W."
Now Sees How Wrong It Was
"I wanted to write to you to let you know that when I heard you
say no make-up I did remove it. But I also felt like the women
who made excuses and didn't think it was that wrong.
"I just read the WORLDWIDE NEWS and I want to thank
article on this subject. I now see how wrong it was.
fooling myself. I now know that I was full of vanity,
be beautiful, exalting myself, and wanting to be in
but also looking like the women of this world.
you for the
I was just
desiring to
the Kingdom
"I believe you have the mind of Christ and I'm glad He has shown
you through His Spirit that He was unhappy with us women, and
that He has shown us one of our hidden sins.
"Your spiritual daughter through Christ, B.G."
Salvation More Important Than a Little Paint
"I must admit when I first heard about the make-up 'crisis,'
which I heard through the grapevine, I was angry and started run­
ning off at the mouth. But after a little while I shut my big
mouth and thought about it. I realize it's true. I felt like a
different person with it on.
I wanted to catch the eyes of
"I was angry because Christ threw a sword right in the heart of
'my' pride--and it hurt deeply. Because I had to battle pride
and self-righteousness in myself and Satan was winning, I kept
asking God to help me to be humble, then the make-up discussion
came up. Salvation is much more important than a little paint.
"Now after a couple of weeks I'm used to not wearing make-up and
it doesn't really bother me anymore now. I'm so glad to be with­
out it. I'm not trying to hide behind the outward shell. It's
making me feel more the importance of the inner me, the part that