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the refresher. The examples of Mr. Tkach, Mr. Blackwell, Mr. LaRavia,
Mr. Helge, Mr. Salyer, or. Hoeh, Mr. McNair, and all the others who had
a hand in helping us to a plentiful meal of spiritual nourishment,
were exemplary of the highest of standards in supporting you. With
this kind of teaching and inspiration, the Church will definitely GROW
and God will surely continue to BLESS His Work.
Thank you again for getting the Church "back on the track."
forward with anxious anticipation to the next session of
We look
the re-
Paul and Pat Kurts
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Barbara and I are getting ready to leave for the Feast and want to
write you to say "Thanks very much" for being included in the 14th ses­
sion of the refresher program. The course was tops--but the most im­
portant thing was that as a local church elder we were treated as
equals to everyone. I felt like it was one family and we were part of
it. Thanks to you and Mr. Armstrong and all others responsible.
Bill and Barbara Wagner
H.W.A. Visits Nashville on Trumpets
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
What a tremendous inspiration and spiritual "lift" it was to see and
hear you in person in Nashville on the Feast of Trumpets! It was the
first time in five years that I had seen you, and you are more vibrant
than ever!
We have all been so excited and inspired since hearing you, and I hope
that you know God's people are totally supportive of you and loyal to
this Work that God has raised up through you. We are all indebted to
you for the years and years of sacrifice and hard work and effort, and
the tears and prayers you have given for us. We love you deeply and
thank God for using you.
My husband was blessed and privileged to attend the Ministerial Re­
fresher Program in July, and he benefited so tremendously from it.
Thank you for deciding to keep it going. It was such an inspiring and
profitable experience for him and for everyone we have talked with who
has attended. I am certainly looking forward to being able to attend
with him next year, when our baby girl will be weaned.
One personal note: Our 2� year-old son was also very excited about
seeing you on the Feast of Trumpets. After tr!e day was over, someone
asked him who had spoken to us at church and he answered, "God and Mr.
Armstrong." I couldn't have said it better.
Mrs. David E. Dobson
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
TERRE HAUTE, IN--STEVE NUTZMAN: Those involved in the newsstand and
related programs are very enthusiastic about the opportunity to con­
tribute to Mr. Armstrong's and the Church's commission to preach the