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We are beginning to have
some new people in attendance as a result of some of the WATS 1ine
calls. On the initial visits they prove to be very new, but a few of
them have come along quite rapidly.
There are quite a number of
favorable comments about the telecast. Everyone is encouraged by the
way Mr. Armstrong continues to work so hard.
KANSAS CITY, KS--BRUCE GORE: we are having an increase lately in new
PM's and baptismal requests. I feel Mr. Armstrong's telecast in the
area is beginning to have an impact.
AMARILLO, TX--JIM O'BRIEN: Surprising number of new PM visit requests.
PM activity is starting to pick up, which is very encouraging since we
have never had any since I have been here and probably several years
drought prior to my arrival. We desperately need a local broadcast or
telecast--the nearest broadcast comes from about 500 miles away. The
broadcasts and telecasts Mr. Armstrong is doing are great; hopefully we
can share more closely in them.
TONASKET, WA--GERALD R. FLURRY: This area seems to be getting more
interested people.
We're working with close to half a dozen new
Some in this area are focused on personal survival. We're
working to balance them out while helping them to focus on God!
SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA--LES McCOLM: The Church is filling up with very
active young people.
Many of the newer ones are making the Bible
studies very interesting because they are asking questions that
prompted most of us when we were first converted.
PRESCOTT, AZ--JOHN AMOS: Marriage problems still seem to be the main
"church" problem, but progress is very much evident. The usual employ­
ment problems exist in this area.
Membership morale is very high
though and attendance is excellent in both Sabbath services and Bible
studies. I have baptized seven people since the first of the year, so
the Church as a whole is growing in number and quality.
PM activity is beginning to increase.
There is a constant flow of people moving into and out of the area. The
face of the Church is slowly changing in personality just by people
moving. People in the Church are very dedicated. The whole Church
drove by bus or car 250 miles to hear Mr. Armstrong at Charlotte.
Trials are increasing among the brethren--health, job, personal over­
AUGUSTA, GA--JOHN RITENBAUGH:· Mr. Armstrong's visit to Charlotte, N.C.
was deeply appreciated. It has been THE topic of conversation among
the brethren. It was his first visit ever to this area at a time other
than the Feast, and the first time since the Feast of 1976.
brethren were all remarking how sharp and quick of mind and speech he is
and how good he looks. His visit here has without a doubt inspired and
encouraged and helped us to put our hearts more zealously into our
The brethren were greatly encouraged
and inspired to have Mr. Armstrong visit our part of the country and to