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have the opportunity to hear and see him in person.
Likewise the
ministers and their wives deeply appreciated the hour of instruction
and encouragement from Mr. Armstrong before services.
RUSSELLVILLE, AR--KEN MATTSON: About one-third of the Church traveled
to Lake of the Ozarks May 30 to hear Mr. Armstrong. Many enthusiastic
comments about God's continued gu·
idance which was clearly evident. A
big boost for those who went and the rest who heard about it later.
FORT WORTH, TX--BOB SMITH: Mr. Armstrong's travels, the continuing
growth of the Work, encouraging messages via Mr. Armstrong's tapes and
Dean Blackwell's visit to the area all spark interest.
LITTLE ROCK, AR--FRED KELLERS: Everyone appreciated the sermon by Mr.
Armstrong. Wish we could get all the sermons he gives at Pasadena.
Church is becoming more HQ-oriented.
Some new PM's show a high level of interest. Church is still buzzing
over Mr. Waterhouse's message. Many are stirred up; can't estimate the
value of his ministry; it is extremely beneficial. Thanks for sending
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
August 16th TV Program Brought Highest Response This Summer
"Prelude to World Peace," which aired last weekend, produced a 34% increase
over the summer weekend average, making it the highest response for this
Reasons for the increase in calls include advertising the booklet UNITED
STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY (which usually generates a high response) and
Mr. Armstrong's personal comments on the events in the Middle East, includ­
ing the Work's involvement in President Sadat's World Peace Center project.
Calls for The PLAIN TRUTH Increase 67% in July
July telephone calls requesting The PLAIN TRUTH increased 67%. We received
1,300 calls compared to 780 coming in during an average month. Many of these
first-time callers had seen the magazine on a newsstand, in a waiting room or
read a friend's copy.
Most of these subscription requests were sparked off by the August issue,
mailed in mid-July. Many callers commented on this issue, especially the
article on venereal disease, "The New Silent Epidemic."
Firstfruits From WALL STREET JOURNAL Ads
Though Mr. Armstrong's WALL STREET JOURNAL ads were not intended to try to
convert people, we are beginning to see some fruit. Of the more than 11,000
who initially responded, one person has become a baptized member of the
Church; another is a prospective member; four people have become coworkers;
75 have become donors; 137 take the Correspondence Course; nine receive The
GOOD NEWS; and 3,672 subscribe to The PLAIN TRUTH.