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Thank you as well, Mr. Tkach, for your example of drive and service for
the good of others--namely those of us in the field who do need encour­
agement, admonition, and support. It appears that God is working it
out where He has people in key positions who exemplify what it means to
be "converted"--which is the example all of us need to be following and
setting for others in our care.
A comment I overheard at Sabbath brunch from one of the college girls
reflects a right spirit being taught at AC. She had been asked who was
speaking today at services. Her reply was, "God is, but I don't know
which minister He will be using today." I thought that was an excellent
Thanks again for the entire program. It truly is the best effort we
have seen to help us all speak unitedly, support God's Work and God's
chosen Apostle, Mr. Herbert
Joe and Pat Dobson
Ambassador Chorale Sets Fine Example
Dear. Mr. Armstrong:
What a wonderful treat our churches in Northern California had during
the Days of Unleavened Bread this year. we were visited by the Ambas­
sador Chorale for three days!
I want you to know how well they represented you and the Ambassador way
of life while they were here.
Many members have called to express
thanks for the opportunity to have these fine students in their homes
as guests. The music was superb and the Chorale showed a great deal of
talent and professionalism.
As Steve Martin remarked during the
concert, "They certainly can radiate an unmistakable freshness and
vitality from the stage."
I think that both Mr. McNair and Mr. Schroeder should be complimented
for the work they are doing in your behalf at Ambassador College. As
"Ambassadors" for you, they are doing an outstanding job! Thank you
very much for allowing them to visit the San Francisco Bay Area.
Ed Mauzey
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
DOCKEN: Members are encouraged by the growth of
the Work and the positive directions taken by Mr. Armstrong.
continue to be amazed by his dynamic example.
Planning two PT
lectures--one in Lincoln and one in Omaha. I have had lectures in every
city and large town in the area with the exception of Omaha.
AUSTIN, TX--HAROLD J. RHODES: Attitudes of the people are good over­
all. Happy over financial stability of the Church and excited about
Mr. Armstrong's plans to increase radio and TV.
People are always
concerned and interested in Mr. Armstrong's health.
Things are running well.
Good PM
activity and a positive attitude on behalf of the people toward the
Work. Growth and good news from HQ have been exciting to them.