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from the congregation to attend. And thank you for being "our Apostle"
and putting us all back on the track. We are holding your hands up!!
Harry and Dolly Bente
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Greetings from Pittsburgh! We were able to be a part of the 12th ses­
sion of the refresher program and what a rewarding experience it was.
We had been reading the comments in the PGR of others who had gone
before, but being there we got the full impact.
The lectures, given by men who were there to serve, were outstanding.
It was like some of the conferences from the 60's when you were conduct­
ing most of the meetings. There was an attitude of loyalty and dedica­
tion to the Commission you have been given to do. The whole session was
outstanding, but the highlight was when you were able to come and speak
to us. We realize that right at that time you did have extra meetings,
etc. Thank you very much for caring and sharing your time with us.
We know that when all the men and wives have been able to attend, it
will help us all to do a better job as we back you in the responsibility
God has placed upon you. Thanks again for making the refresher possi­
ble. Our prayers are with you every day.
Don and Sue Lawson
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Just a note to thank you and all concerned for the refresher program.
It was great and the hospitality shown was deeply appreciated. I very
much enjoyed renewing old friendships and building some new ones. I am
really pleased with the strength and direction of the Church.
Mr. Armstrong has again proven to us and to whomever will listen, that
growth and advancement for the Church and us personally comes not
through personal intellect and expertise, but from the blessings of God
when He is well pleased with us.
Roland Van Slooten
Grateful for Recent Raise
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Greetings! I just wanted to write on behalf of my wife and myself to
say thanks very, very much for the recent raises given to the ministry.
We really appreciate your concern and desire in wanting to give us this
It just reinforces once again that you are a very concerned
shepherd underneath Jesus Christ. As a younger minister with a young
family, this extra money will really help us in these inflationary
times we live in.
I hope your trip to Germany and overseas went very fine, and was very
productive for the Work. Again, we appreciate the driving example you
are setting for all of us, and your sense of urgency to finish the Work.