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the refresher program will have an opportunity to meet with you in the
Rand and Gloria Millich
Dear Mr. Armstrong and the Headquarters Team:
Thank you so much for the refresher classes offered at the 11th ses­
The spiritual and physical aspects combined made it a truly
unique experience. The classes were very interesting and the accommo­
dations so comfortable we felt right at home. The opportunities to at­
tend the various functions such as the concerts, the graduation, and
the Young Ambassadors filming the feast film were .very much appreci­
ated. The highlight, of course, was your address to us. We appreciated
your taking time from your busy schedule to speak to us.
It has been stated that much of the real talent has left. It is cer­
tainly obvious from the field that a greater work is being done at head­
quarters now than ever before. We feel the REAL talent IS left, not
"has left."
We feel we had an extension of the refresher program due to Mr. Dean
Blackwell's tour of the Alaskan churches during Pentecost. Thank you
for sending headquarters ministers out to the churches on these special
days. It is very encouraging.
Richard and Dorene Eckman
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have recently returned home after attending the 12th ses­
sion of the Ministerial Refresher Programme.
After reading all the
previous reports in the PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, the programme had
something to live up to. Well, it did--and morel It was a great thrill
to be around the magnificent campus at Pasadena for three weeks and to
attend all the lectures and functions.
Without a doubt, the highlight of the entire programme was your talk to
the ministry during the final week of the session. It was a fitting
climax to a wonderful three weeks. Your talk was electrifying, inspir­
ing, warm and so much more. Of course, we are all used to hearing you
on tape and even on film, but it is hard to describe the impact of see­
ing and hearing from you in person.
We would like to thank you for instituting such a valuable programme,
as well as thanking all those responsible for making our stay in Pasa­
dena so profitable and enjoyable. All their effort and dedication is
certainly not in vain as the Church is prepared and unified for the
soon-coming return of Jesus Christ to this earth.
Owen and Tina Willis
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I just arrived home from the 12th session of the refresher
program. It was fantastic! Thank you so much for allowing local elders