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The PLAIN TRUTH newsstand program is now beginning to take off in New Zealand
and the Pacific Islands. In January this year, 700 copies were being dis­
played on newsstands. In August the number will have risen to 3,000 and for
December we have ordered 22,000. Meanwhile, our mailing list is pushing up
over the 50,000 mark and looks like it will soon surpass our previous high­
est-ever figure of 50,117 set in February 1980.
German-speaking Area News Despite cool and often rainy weather, brethren in
Germany, Austria and Switzerland enjoyed numerous socials and outings during
July. These included mountain hikes in Austria, a farm barbecue for the
Hanover church, and a grill-and-games afternoon for our members in Bonn,
Germany. Various youth and singles' activities were also held.
Our sole member in Poland, Victor Przybylla, was able to travel to keep Pen­
tecost with our brethren in East Germany. However, due to increasing suspi­
cion of Polish nationals on the part of neighboring Warsaw Pact countries,
he foresees possible difficulty in getting a visa to enter Czechoslovakia to
keep the Feast of Tabernacles at Brno. Prayers would be appreciated.
In the month of July we received overall 38% more mail than in July 1980.
Our solicited mail was up an amazing 109% over last year. This was due to
the overwhelming response to Mr. Armstrong's semiannual letter in the July
WAHR (German PT). Despite the vacation season, a record-breaking
number of booklet cards were returned ordering the booklets offered such as
THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY. Some 3,721 booklet cards were
returned (a 6.2% response). In the last two years the highest percentage
received was 5.4% of a much smaller subscriber list, or about 2,300 cards.
Along with the increased booklet requests was a noticeable increase in the
number of visit requests.
Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Our Very Dear Apostle:
My wife and I want to say a great big THANK YOU for allowing us to at­
tend the refresher program! We are praying constantly for your health
that you will be our Moses and lead us to the place of safety. It will
be so wonderful, if God is willing, for you,£!:!£ dedicated Apostle of
God, to lead us into the Kingdom. We pray for your protection as we can
see Satan all around us pulling families apart and causing all the
strife, and thank God for you and your messages from God. You have had
so many trials and still hang in there. It is encouraging, after seeing
all the things Satan has tried to put you through, that you still keep
giving us the strong meat.
We thank you, and God bless you always is our prayer.
Irvin and Ette Hardiman
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to speak to the
ministers at the 12th session of the refresher program! It was one of
the highlights of our stay! Your personal encouragement and involve­
ment does mean a great deal to us in the field ministry. It reassures
us as we continue to support the Work God is doing through you. There
is no doubt God is fully in charge! We hope that all of the sessions of