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Dear Mr. Tkach:
Please accept our belated but very sincere thanks for the privilege of
attending the 12th refresher programme.
It is difficult to express in words the tremendous impact that the pro­
gramme has had on us, especially so since it was our first experience of
campus life. Everyone we talked to; the students, the faculty members,
the department heads and certainly all of those who taught us, were so
very very supportive of Mr. Armstrong and so positive in everything
they said. One could not help but be left with a great feeling of con­
fidence that Mr. Armstrong has definitely got the right team around
Thank you for the instruction you gave us, the good care you took of us
and the wonderful times we had.
George and Isobel Delap
Dear Mr. Tkach:
What a pleasure it was for my wife and me to attend the 12th session of
the refresher program! This is truly the best thing we have done for
the ministers since I have been in the Work.
It was so good to be
taught by men who were so totally dedicated to the Work of God--men who
answered questions for you rather than creating them.
Every aspect of the program was first class--the food we ate, the
sports activities, and social functions, not to mention the classes
themselves. We all learned a great deal and we wanted to thank you for
your part in helping to make it all possible.
Jim and Sharron Franks
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Greetings from New York! We just wanted to send you a short note of
thanks for allowing us the privilege of attending the Ministerial Re­
fresher Program.
Although we've been back home here for nearly two
months, we've only begun to "digest" all the material that was present­
ed to us. It truly was an all-around feast! The classes were packed so
full of useful material that we had to really work hard to get it all
down. Now comes the difficult part of putting it into practice in our
own lives and then teaching others.
Please pass on our thanks to our other instructors as well. Each one of
them adaed a vital and interesting dimension to the session. We count
it a tremendous blessing to be a small part of this great Work that God
is doing through His Apostle.
Dave and Pam Myers
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
NASHVILLE, TN--JAMES L. FRIDDLE: Many in the Nashville area have told
me they literally cried for joy when they watched Mr. Herbert w. Arm­
strong's first telecast over WTVF-TV, channel 5, Nashville on July 5.
we are receiving more PM letters than in the past. Four were baptized
in June.