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Let me say that things are going very well at present. The income in the
U.S. through the month of July is 18. 4% ahead of last year for the same
period. This is slightly less than my last report of 19% but still very
good. It had dropped even more, earlier in July. Obviously, most of the
membership have been taking Mr. Armstrong's member/co-worker letters to
heart. Their generosity and dedication are indeed inspiring to me.
On the expense side of the ledger, most departments are well within budget.
Only a few are over budget, and in such cases there are good reasons why. We
still fully expect a balanced budget at the end of the year with a nice
amount left over for reserves. In the past a few depart�ents were unpredict­
able, and management had little control. Such areas have either been elimi­
nated or are being phased out. Now there is teamwork and cooperation between
departments and management, which produces such a good financial picture.
You all should have received your raise by now if you are in the U.S. minis­
try. There are a few exceptions still being processed. In addition, Mr.
Armstrong has approved raises for other employees, which are in the process
of being implemented. We all should be thankful to the Head of the Church,
Jesus Christ, for making this possible.
In addition, increased funds are now going into producing more PLAIN TRUTHS
and for the purchase of more radio and television time. We are hoping to
increase this even more in the coming weeks and months.
Please pray that Christ will continue to bless His Work with a good and even
increasing income, as well as a spirit of unity and teamwork, so that we can
complete the Work that we have been called to do.
--Leroy Neff, Treasurer
Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and
have just returned from the 12th session of the Ministe­
rial Refresher Program. What a pleasure it was to be in Pasadena again,
especially since you were there as well. This was the first time that
my wife and
had been to Pasadena when we actually hated to leave, even
after three weeks! The refresher course seemed more like a Feast of
Tabernacles with the harmony we experienced. It was truly a joy!
We are very happy that you are now in Pasadena. It is so reassuring to
know that you are indeed making the daily decisions for this great
Work. Your very presence on campus made the refresher course even more
exciting, and your visit to our class was truly the highlight of the
three weeks. "Thank you" seems to be so inadequate for all that you
have done for us, but please know that we really mean it. We feel ex­
tremely privileged to have shared in this great Work with you!
prayers go with you each day as you do God's Work. We are behind you
Jim and Sharron Franks