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appeared and EXACTLY 19 years since the office opened in Germany!
again, a more complete picture of the report will be given later.
After touring the German office we went to the Presse Haus. The German
office maintains an office for Herr Hennig that gives us access to press
functions in Germany and worldwide. That office arranged for Gene Hogberg to
attend the recent Economic Summit in Ottawa.
One other event of note happened that day. Mr. Armstrong completed his 89th
year and began his 90th!
Sabbath, August 1, was a very special Sabbath. It was the first time Mr.
Armstrong had spoken to the Church in Europe since he opened the Feast at
Praz-sur-Arly in 1970. Also, it was the first time he was heard in three
languages simultaneously--Dutch, German and English. The members had small
cordless FM receivers that had two channels. The sets are 1/2 inch by 1 inch
by 4 inches. On each side there is a plastic arm containing an earphone that
fits into the ear so that the unit hangs under the chin. Everyone heard in
their own language!
For the hymns, the 886 of us had the same music to sing--but three different
sets of words! We figured God could sort it out!
Mr. Armstrong began by saying, "Why are there so many religions but only one
It all began back in the Garden of Eden when Adam chose to take
knowledge production to himself." He said the tree of life is open to you
and me--we will be kings and priests teaching the way of God to all people-­
and that is WONDERFUL!
That evening a dinner was arranged for all the ministers and their wives and
key office staff. There were over 50 of us around one huge table. It was
one of those nights when everything goes right. Mr. Armstrong stood and
talked with several people before we sat down. Once we were seated the
conversation was lively, first between small groups and from time to time
the whole table joined in. We were in fact, one big FAMILY!
I will have to complete this next week.
* * * * *
I have just been briefed by Budget Director George Birdwell and Accounting
Department Manager Fred Stevens on the July 1981 figures. Shortly after
each month, they brief me in great detail, to show how we did for the month
just ended. They give me a computer printout showing all income by source,
as well as all expenditures by corporation and by department. This print­
out, on legal-size paper, is 1-3/4" thick.
In addition, I am given a comprehensive analysis of this information in a
smaller report. This report gives an evaluation of each major item and why
there is a variation up or down from the budgeted figures. These reports
give us a very detailed picture of how things are going financially in the
U.S. Also, our international accountant, Clark Miller, compiles figures
sent in from around the world, which is also included in the report.