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Armstrong and how vigorously he puts out the message is inspiring. It
is wonderful to see the way the Spirit of God is working in him. Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hardiman
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Thank you for the greatest, most spiritually organized Ministerial Re­
fresher Program. We also thank God for each and every one of the faith­
ful and dedicated ministers who are training us to serve more effec­
tively for the greatest Work on earth.
Being taught by God through His ministers at headquarters is indeed a
rare privilege. We pray that God will use us for all intents and pur­
poses according to His will.
Thank you Mr. Armstrong. Surely the working of God's power and the
spirit of truth is being revealed through you. God is blessing His
Work. We pray for all of you, always.
Howard and Lisa Stein
P.S. Bravo! to those who prepared and served us our meals. They were
delicious (and good too)!
The Wednesday night BAR-BQ' s were just
great, and the "fellowship" with old and new friends very rewarding.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Toll-free Number on Radio
Recently the toll-free phone number was added on a trial basis to the radio
broadcast on 30 stations. Seventy percent of those who responded had been
listening to the radio program for six months or more. They had never writ­
ten in, but called when the phone number was introduced. Providing the use
of the number has made it possible for us to reach a group who would not
otherwise have responded.
This is only the second week of testing and more time will be required to see
if giving listeners the option of calling in improves response signifi­
Update on Threatened U.S. Postal Strike
As of this writing, union leaders have accepted a three-year contract with
the United States Postal Service management. The contract now has to be rat­
ified by the rank and file membership which will take approximately 30 days.
It is expected that the union members will approve the contract. So far, no
disruptions have occurred in mail delivery.
Weekly Letter Comments
This week we are featuring some inspiring, short quotes about the Work from
members and others on the mailing list.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center