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Please express our thanks to Mr. Armstrong and all of the staff who made
the program so worthwhile. I will not list my impressions--they have
been expressed to you before, except for one outstanding thing. From
gardener to kitchen workers, students and teachers, from the family we
shared home with to evangelists who lectured, I have never, ever wit­
nessed such a feeling of genuine warmth, love and personal concern as
we experienced there.
Jerry and Kathy Hoyer
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We thoroughly enjoyed the refresher program. The program does provide
a much needed opportunity for all of us to hear the same things over a
short period of time.
We appreciate the efforts of so many both in the classroom and out who
gave so much to the preparation and delivery of the program. The atti­
tudes of service and balance emphasized in the classes should serve all
of us well in the ministry.
The Ambassador College campus was more impressive than ever. We en­
joyed walking around the grounds even though there was a possibility of
meeting some "forest friends."
It was great to hear from Mr. Armstrong. His zeal is an ins?iration to
go and do likewise.
Jim and Kaye Kissee
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We want to thank you very much for allowing us the opportunity to attend
the refresher program. It was truly a blessing for us. We gained much
spiritually, thanks to all of you dedicated servants of God, and we
also gained physically, thanks to Mr. Green and his staff.
The speakers showed us fine examples of unity and loyalty to Mr. Arm­
strong and to the Work, which we greatly appreciated. We hope that
through continual review of our notes we'll be able to keep in mind
those things that we were taught, and thus exemplify and teach the way
that leads to salvation.
Please extend our appreciation to Mr. Armstrong for taking time from
his busy schedule to speak to us.
Roger and Janet Shigehara
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I want to especially thank you and all the men that are
dedicated to this great end-time Work and spending extra time to "re­
fresh us." We want you to know we appreciate all the spiritual food, as
well as the nice apartment to stay in, the lovely dinners and fellow­
ship. It is aptly named "refresher." We are so full of the teachings
and would like to say thanks again for your part in it. To see Mr.