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LIFE and have inspired me to pass on the precious knowledge you gave to
the congregations I preach to each week.
In Genesis 3:4 Satan misled Eve into believing she had LIFE. The people
in the world think they have LIFE. Thanks to God and His Son for lead­
ing their Apostle who now teaches us the plain truth about LIFE. Mr.
Armstrong, thank you very much.
John and Fiona Larkin
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
It is now about four months since Anne and I have completed the re­
fresher program. I did not intend to put off writing this letter of
thanks until now. It happened one week at a time. But I am glad it
did! The last four months have given us the opportunity to put the
refresher program material to work. Now I can write having already ex­
perienced some of its benefits.
The Trenton and Hammonton, New Jersey Churches are becoming more uni­
fied, more dedicated and looking more to your leadership. Our elders
and deacons are becoming more service-oriented, more sacrificing. The
PLAIN TRUTH Distribution Program is picking up momentum. There is ea­
gerness to participate. And most recently, I have become more involved
with Y.O.U. (as was taught in the refresher program) and I am looking
forward to similar responses.
I would certainly be remiss if I neglected to express our thanks and the
gratitude of the entire south Jersey area to you. We know the living
Christ is directing you and has inspired this far-reaching program.
Those who are instrumental in carrying out your directives and teaching
the classes of this program are doing a fine job and are to be commend­
ed. Please convey to them our thanks and deep appreciation.
Mr. Gerald Waterhouse was here this past weekend. We are still reeling
from his powerful preaching. We needed the message he brought, rein­
forcing scripturally your apostleship and our responsibilities in sup­
porting you.
Mr. Armstrong, God is blessing you and His Church. Thanks again for
your faithfulness and loyalty enabling this Church to be placed back on
track. Please know that we, too, intend to remain loyal and faithful to
God and Christ, and in our support of you.
Vince Panella
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I were able to attend the first week of the 12th Ministerial
Refresher Program. I am a local elder and this was our first opportun­
ity to spend time at headquarters, except for a very brief visit sev­
eral years ago. Please accept our thanks for the opportunity we were
given. It was enlightening, uplifting but also sobering to me. From
the many examples I witnessed in the week of fellowship, I can more
clearly see the unfulfilled opportunity for personal growth that lies
before me. With God's help and the kind of suppert given us by the
training program, plus all of the other material given us through the
Church, I expect to fulfill that opportunity.