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year-to-date increases in the number of co-workers and donors is 22.9 per
cent and 32.3 percent respectively.
The overall monetary increase is 30
percent. Mail received is up 29 percent.
Jamaica On Sunday, 26th of July, as a follow-up to previously conducted
PLAIN TRUTH subscribers' lectures, Charles Fleming, associate pastor of the
Kingston, Jamaica church, presented on film a sermon by Mr. Armstrong. One
hundred twenty new people attended--over 9% of the 1,313 subscribers in­
vited, 45 of whom had not attended either of the previous lectures! It was a
very responsive audience and many mentioned they would be interested in
seeing and hearing from Mr. Armstrong again. One man commented that he had
read Mr. Armstrong's books before, but that he had never had it all put to­
gether in that way. From that group alone 45 would like a visit from a min­
ister! It looks like the Work in Jamaica is in for an exciting period of
activity and growth.
Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have just completed the 11th session of the Ministerial
Refresher Program. We want to thank you and express our appreciation
for the privilege of faculty participation in the program. It was in­
deed beneficial and will help us to be of one mind with the ministry in
dealing with students and employees.
The 11th session was filled with many blessings and was unique in many
ways. We were, of course, the first program to mix faculty and ministry
together. Viola and I found this most helpful. This was the first
series to be on campus during the filming of the festival program with
the Young Ambassadors. I know that the ministers enjoyed this very
much. But most of all, we had the wonderful privilege of learning at
your feet during the last session. Thank you very much for the input
you made to the program. Every session was packed with useful informa­
tion and instruction, but the session with you was the real dessert to
top a feast that lasted three weeks.
Again, thank you for allowing the faculty to participate in this won­
derful experience. We are 100% behind you in our prayers and in our
Richard E. Walther
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Greetings from Australia!
I do hope and pray you are keeping good
health. My wife and I are grateful for God's love for His people in
Australia by allowing you to visit this country in May. The tremendous
inspirational influence of your visit is still very much with us.
Also, we would like to thank you for the opportunity we had in travel­
ling to the U.S.A. from Australia in order to attend the highly profit­
able 11th session of the refresher, and for the privilege of spending
three weeks on God's college campus.
While there we were able to hear you speak on a number of occasions-­
your sermons on LIFE were outstanding. Your inspired teachings on LIFE
have motivated me, have given me far greater insight into the Word of