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Mr. Armstrong
Mr. Armstrong, it is so easy to let down and get discouraged, but your
letters are like refreshing springs in the desert.
R. & D.M. (Jacksonville, FL)
Mr. Armstrong, continue to divert our attention from the debilitating
distractions of this present sin-sick society. Continue to present to
us the impending reality of the Kingdom of God! Only if we fully com­
prehend the stark contrast between today's deplorable world conditions
and tomorrow's incredible utopia will we be able to seek first that
Kingdom and endure to the end.
D.B. (Minneapolis, MN)
Mr. Armstrong, may you continue to astonish and amaze the world with
your life, wisdom and inspiration granted to you by God Almighty.
Mr. & Mrs. J.E. (Dover, OH)
Radio and Television
Because of your radio programs and booklets, I finally have intelli­
gent, practical, logical, clear and precise answers to questions that
have caused me intense frustration and agony for many, many years!
M. B. (Marietta, GA)
The broadcast is like a great beam of light coming into our home. How
we pray that God will open more doors to radio.
Mr. & Mrs. V.T. (Woodinville, WA)
I can only compare the telecast to an oasis suddenly appearing in a vis­
ual desert (television in general). We look forward to many more ex­
citing and refreshing lessons that God has revealed through you.
Mrs. A.M. (Oklahoma City, OK)
I have been blessed with more insight and understanding of the scrip­
tures since receiving your magazines and booklets.
The knowledge I
have gained is, for me, like eating apple pie; the more I eat, the more
I want. I am therefore enrolling in your Ambassador College Bible Cor­
respondence Course.
J.G. (Cincinnati, OH)
The GOOD NEWS sparkles with gems of information that every reader
should appreciate and abundantly enjoy.
Mrs. F. (Oak Ridge, NJ)
May God bless you for bringing such a terrific, sane and very readable
magazine like The PLAIN TRUTH into my life.
Truth does indeed blow very cold once it blows through the warm cozi­
ness that covers up the lies and dangerous deceptions practised by the
glib politicians of world governments today.