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ministers and their wives was very enjoyable. The food was outstand­
And thanks to the P.E. Department for including us in the
softball series. There is no place like Ambassador College that would
provide such an atmosphere for this program.
The campus and the
auditorium were so beautiful!
Bruce and Phyllis Gore
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife June and I would like to take this opportunity to express our
sincere appreciation to you and all the members of the "refresher
team" for the hospitality and the tremendous amount of information and
knowledge that was provided for us at the 12th session of the re­
fresher program. It was truly refreshing to have the privilege to
spend almost three weeks at God's college, listening to men chosen by
God to teach his ministers and their wives.
The highlight and certainly an unforgettable one, was when God's
apostle, Mr. Armstrong, spoke to all of us for over two hours.
We both realize the tremendous amount of organization and effort that
went into making everything so interesting and enjoyable. Many thanks
Lorne and June Davies
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
JACKSONVILLE, NC--JOHN MOSKEL: I made a new PM visit June 30th to a
lady in Williamston.
Upon entering her front door there were 18
people seated in the living room with Bibles in their laps! What a
surprise! Spent three hours in a question-and-answer session. All
but one already believed in the Sabbath and four were solidly con­
vinced beforehand of God's Holy Days. An interesting evening.
suspect that four will attend Sabbath services before long in spite of
the 100-mile distance from Jacksonville.
Our scheduled "fundraiser," the annual "Cucumber Pick" on June 28th,
had to be cancelled due to DROUGHT --there was nothing to pick!
Cucumbers have been "wiped out
this year here.
We have been getting a really fine
response by people staying after Sabbath services to hear Mr. Arm­
strong'a Bible study tapes. We are running 85 to 90 percent attendance
of those coming to services that Sabbath.
MURFREESBORO, TN--DARRIS McNEELY: Brethren are very excited over Mr.
Armstrong's telecast which has just begun airing on WTBF Nashville.
Members from both churches eagerly
awaiting Mr. Gerald Waterhouse's visit. His "rave reviews" have us
excited! We expect a full house in attendance.
KALAMAZOO, MI--KEN WILLIAMS: God is the giver of all good gifts. He
has chosen to give His people some precious gifts through Mr. Arm­
strong. One of those gifts Mr. Armstrong has given the local congre-