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gation is in sending Mr. Waterhouse to us. Mr. Waterhouse gave us
some choice jewels from God:
encouragement, correction, vision and
inspiration to name a few. God certainly watered the portion of God's
house that is here in Kalamazoo through Mr. Waterhouse.
PHILADELPHIA, PA--CARLOS PERKINS: The Sabbath of July 11, 1981 was a
particularly meaningful one due to the presence of Mr. Waterhouse.
His arrival was anticipated a long time, and his sermon very much
appreciated by the members of the church.
Mr. Waterhouse very
graphically and powerfully demonstrated that God works through His
chosen apostle. It is always a special treat to have him visit with
DETROIT EAST, MI--EARL H. WILLIAMS: PM activity is up this month and
church attendance was the highest ever this month due to sermons on
marriage and family. The brethren are really trying to make their
families pleasing to God.
FAYETTEVILLE, NC--PAUL KIEFFER: Pentecost offering up 45% from last
year, with the per-person average up 19%. People seem to be getting
more interested in their families as I try to emphasize that.
BIRMINGHAM, AL--KENNETH M. MARTIN: The fruits of God's Work continue
to encourage the brethren locally. Many comments are heard about the
excellent articles appearing in The PLAIN TRUTH and GOOD NEWS.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Mr. Greg Albrecht, the Dean of Students, has just informed me of a serious
accident which happened to one of our students here on campus this after­
noon {July 23).
Bart Boyer was mowing the grass between the sidewalk and the curb near the
corner of Green Street and South Orange Grove Avenue when, somehow, a car
went out of control, jumped the curb and hit him. Reportedly, Bart was
thrown into the air, hit his head on the windshield, and his leg was broken.
A minister is now with Bart (who is still unconscious) in the Huntington
Memorial Hospital here in Pasadena. Apparently this is one of the best
hospitals for such emergency care, and regularly receives all kinds of
seriously injured people from auto and other types of accidents.
Mr. Albrecht and another minister just returned from the hospital and
informed me that Bart is still breathing, but did receive very serious head
injuries. We have already asked various ministers to remember Bart in their
prayers. Mr. Albrecht, Mr. Ben Faulkner and I knelt down here in my office
a few minutes ago to take this matter directly to "the Throne of Grace" to
ask for God's divine intervention.
I might add that a year or two ago a woman member of one of the Pasadena
churches was knocked off her motorbike, was seriously injured and was taken
to the Huntington Memorial Hospital where she remained unconscious for
about six weeks. Many of us kept praying and God raised her up so that
today she is both physically and mentally restored back to health. I know
God can also intervene in Bart's case.