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Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
Thanks for the opportunity to have had a part in the 12th session of
the refresher program. It was truly very enjoyable and worthwhile.
Certainly the program is properly named. It seems to be a modern-day
fulfillment of Jude 3 and 4. Having been taught by Mr. Armstrong since
1946 made it seem so.
The words "Doctrinal Committee" were repulsive words in our ears as we
saw the watering down and change taking place. "Putting back on the
track" was made more meaningful by the course.
Thanks again for the opportunity to be back at headquarters and to
enjoy fellowship with many old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Norvel V. Pyle
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I thank you for a profitable 12th session of the refresher
program! We felt the subjects were presented in a balanced and well­
thought-out way. The brethren will be benefiting from this program as
a result of our being able to attend.
Please extend our appreciation to everyone who worked so hard to make
the program effective (including those "live" and on "video tape").
We were glad the food was not "video taped," however! Again, thank you
for a program well done!
Paul and Gloria Millich
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Greetings from Jamaica! Both my wife and I want to thank you and your
staff for all the instruction and encouragement we received while on
the refresher.
The guidance and direction we received have been a
great benefit to us in our effort to serve the brethren here. We do
feel better equipped to carry out the job with which we have been
entrusted. Once again, thank you.
Charles and Carmen Fleming
Dear Mr. Tkach:
A hearty thanks to you and those working with you for making session 12
of the refresher program a big success. The warmth, congeniality and
unity expressed by everyone was truly dynamite. But most importantly,
the loyalty all of you have toward Mr. Armstrong is awe inspiring. It
is great to see that his arms are being upheld by faithful men. And
this gives us a greater sense of church �tability. Keep the faith for
we are continually praying for you.
Arnold and Ann Hampton
Mr. Joe Tkach:
My wife and I want to thank you and all the others who made the 12th
session of the refresher program such a rewarding experience for us.
We really appreciated Mr. Armstrong taking the time to talk to us. All
the sessions were very profitable.
The fellowship with the other