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an excellent 46% increase in holy day offerings. At the end of June our
year-to-date income stood at 28.5% increase over last year.
Mr. Armstrong's recent trip to Australia continues to be a source of
inspiration and encouragement to the brethren. Many expressions of appre­
ciation to Mr. Armstrong for his visit continue to come in.
Our newsstand program continues to be an effective tool in placing The
PLAIN TRUTH in the hands of many tens of thousands of readers. One hundred
thousand copies were distributed this month on newsstands throughout
Australia, and 1,171 newsstand readers wrote in asking to be placed on The
PLAIN TRUTH mailing list for the next twelve months.
The Philippine festival sites for this year have been
Five sites will host a projected 3,000 brethren and their
families. The main site is Baguio City, with an expected attendance of
1,300. The second largest site is Cebu City, with 700. Other sites are
Naga City, Don Carlos in Bukidnon, and Davao City. Already some 20 overseas
brethren have signified their interest to attend the feast in Baguio City.
There is still plenty of room there for transfers.
Pentecost was observed by 2,576 brethren in the Philippines, representing a
21% inc£ease over last year's attendance. Holy day offering was also up
23.7% on last year.
Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Session number twelve of the Ministerial Refresher Program was a
delight and a blessing to my wife and me. It is difficult to elevate
one blessing from God over another, but my feeling is that the past
three weeks of training were truly something special compared to past
In looking back over the years I have been privileged to be in the
Church, I can only say that we have received far more than we have been
able or willing to give. We have .!1Q complaints.
Please accept this brief statement of our most sincere and earnest
expression of gratitude for what you have done for the Church, the
ministry, and for us personally. We understand that all good things
come ultimately from God. Nonetheless, these feelings are toward you
as well. You have our support because we know you will not compromise
God's purpose and plan.
Felix Heimberg
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you so much for the institution of the refresher program. The
staff you have selected to instruct us has done an outstanding job of
reflecting the doctrines Christ has put into His Church through you.
As a result, Ann and I feel much closer to the staff, to you, and to
God and Jesus Christ. So again, thank you for that truly was "a pause
that refreshes."
Arnold and Ann Hampton