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should let us know as soon as possible. Please do not purchase any­
thing locally without specific approval.
Tuition Expenses: We will reimburse any of you who want to take
classes for one-half your tuition expense up to $150 a year for job­
oriented classes that are successfully completed for credit. If it
appears that the demand for tuition reimbursement is not as great as
anticipated, we may give reimbursement for more than one-half your
actual expense. Reimbursement will only be given for classes taken
during the 1978-79 fiscal year. If the class ended prior to July,
1978, it will not qualify for reimbursement. Please seek reimbursement
via a general disbursement voucher rather than making either tuition
or books an expense item.
Books: Budget was approved to allow each field minister to purchase
$30 in books that are immediately useable for theological and pastoral
studies. Again, this applies only to books purchased during the 1978-79
fiscal year and not those purchased before July, 1978.
Public Bible Lectures: A small amount ($5000) was included to help
those men who would like to hold public Bible lectures, but do not
have enough in the way of local funds to meet all the expenses for
mailings and hall rental.
Sabbath Hall Rental: The Sabbath hall rental category received a 12.5%
($236,000) increase for the 1978-79 fiscal year. Part of the reason
for this large increase is that inflation has contributed to sub­
stantial increases in hall rentals over the last year, and we are anti­
cipating this trend to continue. The need still exists to find the
best hall rental rate available for an acceptable hall. No money was
included in the budget for the rental of extra rooms for Y.E.S.
Telephone Expense: The amount budgeted for telephone expense was
increased by $11,000 over last year's level of useage. Over the
past few months, we have had a rather substantial increase in telephone
expense; however, if any of this $11,000 is left once the current
crisis useage drops back to normal, we will be able to allow increases
in telephone expense for those who feel they can profitably use the
telephone in place of a certain amount of driving.
Dissident Mail: Mr. Ted Armstrong has mailed a large number of letters
to various members across the U.S. Please ask any in your church who
may have received a letter to give the envelope to you. We would like
for you to forward the envelopes to Ministerial Services.
--Ted Herlofson, Ministerial Services
NOTICE TO ALL PASTORS: Please read the following to your members for
their interest:
New WATS Line Greeting The telephone operators in the WATS (Wide Area
Telephone Service) section of the Mail Processing Center in Pasadena
are now greeting callers with the words: "Thank you for calling. May
I help you?" If you happened to use the WATS number recently and heard
this general greeting, you may have wondered why we are using it.