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The reason for this simple salutation is primarily to avoid confusion
in the minds of many "first-time" callers. Unfortunately some new
callers have responded to booklet spot conunercials only to hang up
inunediately when hearing our operators greet them with "The World
Tomorrow program." They thought they had gotten the wrong number!
With the recent expansion in media, the WATS number is being used
extensively in these nationwide Modern Romans spot commercials in
addition to many of our other booklets and in the magazines. And so
calls to the WATS number come from spot ads, booklet cards, PT news­
stand copies, as well as from ministers and members. In answering
any given call, the operators have no way of knowing the background
of the caller, and so we are using this general, non-specific response
which will be appropriate for any media source.
This simple salutation, of course, is not intended to obscure the
Church or the "World Tomorrow" program. However, it allows us to
respond to a wide range of listeners -- some who know a great deal
about us and some who know very little. Our goal is to serve every
response God gives this Work as effectively as we possibly can.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
EDITORIAL SERVICES UPDATE Several of us in the publishing and editorial
areas had some very profitable talks with Frank Brown this week when he
was in town on vacation and business. We discussed the new biblical
supplement as well as the content of editions in Britain and Black
Africa. Present plans call for starting the biblical supplement in the
United States and Canada with the December issue (as already mentioned
in a previous report). The international editions will begin a month
or two later. (Incidentally, we are already working on the U.S. December
What this decision amounts to is that we will now produce four self­
contained signatures (16 pages each) of the PT which can be put together
in any combination to meet regional needs. U.S. members and co-workers
will automatically receive all four signatures beginning with the
December number. The internationals will put the magazine together in
various signature configurations to suit regional needs. For example
the French will receive two signatures: 1) The cover signature and
2) the biblical supplement signature. The Spanish have elected not to
use the supplement at all at at this time.
A few other decisions have been arrived at concerning the editorial
area: 1) All bylines, except for Mr. Herbert Armstrong's, will be de­
leted from future booklets and reprint articles. 2) Mr. Armstrong
has changed the title of the United States and British CoI!lr.lonwealth
in Prophecy to The United States and Britain in Prophec,. 3) Garner
Ted Armstrong's byline will be overprinted blacked out) in existing
booklet stocks and deleted from future printings rather than destroying
thousands of existing booklets.
A word to the internationals: George �itter, an experienced writer
and editor on the PT and booklets staff, is now coordinating the inter­
national editions of the PT. Please feel free to correspond directly
with him on any questions or needs in this area. He is doing an