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Financing would be arranged with the help of the Church and my
remuneration would be adequate
cover the increased costs.
For many, many years Mr. Armstrong has stated on more than one occasion
that I am the highest-paid individual in the Church. This fact is well
known to responsible persons at Headquarters. Whether I should be
the most highly-paid person in the Work, of course, is something for
Mr. Armstrong, as Christ's apostle, to decide. I do not feel, how­
ever, that I should be embarrassed that Mr. Armstrong has felt that I
have been "a servant worthy of his hire."
I have had no other financial dealings with the Work and I have never
been involved as a recipient directly or indirectly of any favor,
financial or otherwise, from any person or institution that has had
dealings with the Work. My reputation in the community is without
blemish and I intend to keep it that way.
I love the Work, I love the brethren. I am a dedicated and loyal
servant of the living God and I would hope to be able to serve God,
Jesus Christ, the Work and the brethren as well as Mr. Armstrong for
many years to come. However, as I have told Mr. Armstrong repeatedly
over the years, "Perhaps it is time for me to leave the scene for the
benefit of the Work." I am still willing, as he well knows, to make
that move if it would be in the best interest of the Work. But, in
the past and in the present, Mr. Armstrong insists that this would not
be the case and that he needs me.
I hope that I shall hear from you if there are any questions that I
have left unanswered that may be in your minds or, if by communicating
here today with you so openly, I raise questions that were not there
With Christian love,
Stan Rader
MINISTERIAL BUDGET UPDATE The 1978-79 budget allows for several new
programs that should be brought to your attention. Also, we have a
comment or two on regular budget items.
Bible Study Hall Rent: $100,000 was included in the budget for the
rental of halls for local Bible Studies. This amount isn't sufficient
for every church to have a Bible Study every week, but we feel it is
enough for each church to have 12 Bible Studies throughout the year.
Those who want Bible Studies can now go ahead and start them, keeping
the limitation we mentioned in mind. Some may want to schedule two
series of studies of six weeks each or have one study each month.
Office Equipment: Approval was given for the purchase of some office
equipment for the field. We have sufficient to acquire 25 each of
desks, chairs, files, typewriters and calculators, plus 50 tape
recorders and 20 telephone-answering devices. Obviously, this is not
enough to cover all men in the field, so we will have to set up a
priority system in which those men with the longest seniority will
receive priority, then, after that, those with the most serious need.
Therefore, anyone who has a need for one of the above-mentioned items