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I must admit I found your program on world peace presented by Mr.
Armstrong very educational. I am most interested in obtaining a copy
of your publication THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY, and any
other scriptural literature.
Also, I would like to enroll in any
Bible correspondence course you may administer.
C.J. (Parap, Australia)
I really enjoy your program on the radio and on television Sunday
mornings. I am a young mother with three children and at times it
really gets hard for me to cope. Also we just moved to a farm six
months ago where we work very hard.
What really helps me, after a long day when the children are asleep, is
to hear your voice come through the radio. It has opened my eyes.
There were so many things I did not realize. It seems I was just
following my parents' and grandparents' beliefs without looking for
the real meaning of the Bible.
Thank you for helping me, for it is also the medicine I need to look at
myself and realize how fortunate I am. Instead of complaining, I now
thank God for all that I have. It really works!
Mrs. D.L. (Rumbolt, Canada)
Correspondence Course Unlocks Meaning of Life
I've just finished Lesson 5 of the Bible correspondence course. I
have learned more in these five lessons than in two years of listening
to "born again" Christians!
The lessons have cleared up a lot of the misinterpretations and the
questions left unanswered by these Christians. In fact, a friend who
is quite involved in the charismatic movement, borrowed the first
three lessons. I didn't hear anything for a while, and then yesterday
she came to tell me that the lessons were excellent!
They had conĀ­
firmed some unexplainable ideas and disproved some wrong beliefs.
Thank you so much for these wonderful lessons; and thank you for the
booklets I've requested, The PLAIN TRUTH and The GOOD NEWS.
magazines are just as informative as the lessons. I thank the Lord
that I "just happened" to tune in to Mr. Armstrong one morning. My
life is making a big turnaround.
D.M. (Clay, NY)
I am so pleased with your Ambassador College Bible Correspondence
Course--! just had to write and let you know. I did not know such a
course was available, and could not see how anyone could study the
Bible by mail. I am happy you have made it so simple that even I, who
have had so much difficulty understanding God's Word, can learn from
your excellent teaching.
I am grateful to you for sharing your great knowledge with me--you
make it so interesting and challenging that once I start reading,
hours have gone by before I realize it.
Thank you, with sincere
Mrs. P.K. (Morehead City, NC)