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we need this special training to get in shape for the people who will
be called as we get closer to the end time.
Edward and Thelma Faulk
Dear Mr. Tkach:
I'd like to thank you, thank your
apt to teach" associates, thank
more importantly Mr. Armstrong, and most importantly thank God for the
truly enriching refresher program.
I can surely rank my return to Pasadena for the refresher one of nine
pinnacles or peaks in my life. I know now first hand, as an eye-and­
ear witness, that God's Church and God's College are now truly back on
the right track.
I can not express in words how encouraging and
inspiring the refresher experience has been to me.
The experience was really like being granted the blessing of attending
Ambassador College AND the Feast of Tabernacles at the same time. You
could almost rename the experience a "Feast of Refreshing." At least
it was that to me. Unity and warmth was everywhere evident.
In closing I wish to say, "May God continue to inspire, strengthen and
direct all of you at Pasadena in 'holding up Mr. Armstrong's hands.
David Stone
Dear Mr. Tkach and The Team:
Thank you very much for a very enjoyable and profitable three weeks of
classes during the refresher program.
The opportunity to be at
Pasadena and to receive so much helpful and practical material from
all the instructors was a very worthwhile experience.
Also, the
opportunity to meet with many other ministers and their wives during
the three-week period was very enjoyable in itself.
We want you to know that both my wife and I felt very privileged to
attend the refresher and we look forward to attending one some time in
the future. Thank you very much for the preparation and effort put out
by all concerned: it will help us all to be much more effective as a
worldwide team. And please thank Carlton Green for his part in making
it a physical feast as well.
Bill and Daphne Sidney
Weekly Letter Comments
Comments From Listeners in Canada and Australia
I was a regular listener to Mr. Armstrong for a number of years, until
his broadcasts suddenly stopped in this area. I felt that an element
of truth and spiritual growth was absent from my life when his radio
programs were no longer available. They were badly missed. I was so
happy tonight to hear his voice once more and intend not to lose track
of his guidance again. Please let me know how to get on the mailing
list for The PLAIN TRUTH and also the Bible study course.
J. F. (Hare Bay, Canada)